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Episode 421
Explanation for the ratings:
Easy: passed without need of extra boosters. Only initial ones and full bots.
Tricky: had to use at least one extra booster to finish off.
Difficult: had to use more than one life.
Most of them easy, a few tricky, no difficult ones. Last one more difficult but still passed with my last candy.
I think with more concentration I could turn more of the tricky ones into easy ones.
6305 my favorite for the episode.
Overall good fun on most levels even very easy ones. It's also fun to just crush things up, ha.
-6291 tricky. Have to try using the stripe generator to create a many horizontal stripes as possible to get the chocolate and cookies on the right.
-6292 Tricky. Use the key generator on top quickly then the central stripe generator to make stripe combo to get the horizontal bottom
-6293 easy. The board will generate a lot of color bombs that can be exploded and combined. The fruits will drop in drove.
-6294 easy. Use the stripes generator to bring down horizontal stripes and stripes combo to get the squares then the content of the squares.
-6295 Tricky. The keys in remote corners are difficult to get and the fishes will ignore them so focus on those corners first.
-6296 easy. need many fruits but will be the ones to drop first in drove them invade the bottom focusing on sides. Use stripe generator and combine stripes with various boosters works ok
-6297 tricky. Get the cord first then the squares using the middle corridor then expand to the sides. fishes help brake the squares alright.
-6298 easy. Very easy.
-6299 tricky. Easy but number of moves very tight.
-6300 easy. Can't believe it is that easy at this high level. Passed with a single move.
-6301 easy. Easy but move number tight. Passed on my last candy.
-6302 easy. Aim for the bottomost right and left. The rest will follow.
-6303 easy. Nothing to say. Aim for the small corners. Use the stripes generator.
-6304 easy. Aim for the keys early then get the grapes on the carrier asap and bring to the right.
-6305 easy. Use stripe generators to fire at the black blockers, but the last blockers difficult to get at. Use also the top left box to aim for the right box, don't rely only on the bottom right one alone. Got it on my last candy. I think I will make this one my favorite of the episode, because you need to think well about what you do.
Episode 422
A few more difficult levels here but my favorite of that episode and one of my favorites of the whole game is definately 6315.
There was a really fast guy in the episode race. Was that you @Flanje@Flanje luckily he got stuck in the middle so I could get my gold bars. In the meantime, he forced me to finish off the episode soonest and it was a bit too much for me at the end my brain was itself a jelley.
-6306 Tricky. first try to get the red keys but try to preserve the color bombs for the keys on the right side that are impossible to reach otherwise. After that bring down stripes from the stripes generators to get the middle column.
-6307 Tricky. You need to get the yellow keys. Difficult because protected by black blocks and because of their positions. As soon as you got the last key, the grapes will drop.
-6308 easy. You can only get the space necessary to create color bombs for point after you blow up the four squares.
-6309 easy. As soon as the generators become active you have to focus on blowing them up
-6310 Tricky. The soonest you can use the top stripes generator to blow up the yellow keys, the more time you will have to blow the remaining jelleys and maybe you won't have to use extra boosters to finish the level off at I had to do.
-6311 easy. The exit for the fruits are blocked by generators themselves protected by cords and all kinds of things. you won't have much place to move directly near the generators. You have to get them from afar by stripes and other boosters. Once they blow it will become much more easy. Use the top general generators to create all kinds of boosters.
-6312 tricky. focus on blowing the four generators first then get rid of the top cords blocking the exit for the fruits. Those are hard to reach because in top. Fishes are selfishness and don't help. This is actually a difficult level but I got lucky at the end.
-6313 easy. There is a single golden egg that needs to be blown. I never saw where it was but it got blown with my first strike. Now I feel like Roger Federer.
-6314 tricky. First you need to get the keys then beware of the time bombs. Also you have to hurry with the fruits drop because the next fruit won't be released before the previous one is gone.
-6315 easy but very smart. First you need to blow the top cord. Best is to let the dropping boosters cumulate then focus on the first node on the cords. After the cord blows let the boosters dropt at the end so you can get the keys. After that you need to blow the top jelleys. A good trick is to use an horizontal stripes. This will activate all the vertical stripes that will fire together as a Staline orgues. This is a great level.
-6316 tricky. in this game you have to hit the bottom right vertical stripes that will trigger the top row keys and this will drop the grapes. The problem is that you need to get lucky to hit it, which was not my case. In addition you need to hit it four times because the keys themselves are locked. Alternatively you could just use 4 hammers at I was reduced to do in order to avoid having to lose a life.
-6317 easy. aim for the keys then finish off the jelleys. There are two ufos handy to use, try to keep them for the end.
-6318 easy. The most difficult here are the black blockers. Try to suck them out of their generators but I am not sure if they are released only after the jelley generators are destroyed, I forgot to check. The fish can help in this occasionally.
-6319 tricky. Nothing to say but difficult to complete without extra boosters. There are just too many obstacles and it's nearly the end, you may be tired, I was.
-6320 tricky. You need to blow the frog four times. Use it to get at the generator but on the other hand if you get to close your frog will be chocified.
@Eddie_Sparrow - no it wasn't me lol as I got 5 gold bars for all 3. I did try to keep notes but they pretty much mirror yours and I can't hope to put them as eloquently.
@kiara_wael I see what you mean about the fish. Very fishy episode :-)
Episode 422
A few more difficult levels here but my favorite of that episode and one of my favorites of the whole game is definately 6315.
There was a really fast guy in the episode race. Was that you @Flanje ? Luckily he got stuck in the middle so I could get my gold bars. In the meantime, he forced me to finish off the episode soonest and it was a bit too much for me at the end my brain was itself a jelley.
-6306 Tricky. first try to get the red keys but try to preserve the color bombs for the keys on the right side that are impossible to reach otherwise. After that bring down stripes from the stripes generators to get the middle column.
-6307 Tricky. You need to get the yellow keys. Difficult because protected by black blocks and because of their positions. As soon as you got the last key, the grapes will drop.
-6308 easy. You can only get the space necessary to create color bombs for point after you blow up the four squares.
-6309 easy. As soon as the generators become active you have to focus on blowing them up
-6310 Tricky. The soonest you can use the top stripes generator to blow up the yellow keys, the more time you will have to blow the remaining jelleys and maybe you won't have to use extra boosters to finish the level off at I had to do.
-6311 easy. The exit for the fruits are blocked by generators themselves protected by cords and all kinds of things. you won't have much place to move directly near the generators. You have to get them from afar by stripes and other boosters. Once they blow it will become much more easy. Use the top general generators to create all kinds of boosters.
-6312 tricky. focus on blowing the four generators first then get rid of the top cords blocking the exit for the fruits. Those are hard to reach because in top. Fishes are selfishness and don't help. This is actually a difficult level but I got lucky at the end.
-6313 easy. There is a single golden egg that needs to be blown. I never saw where it was but it got blown with my first strike. Now I feel like Roger Federer.
-6314 tricky. First you need to get the keys then beware of the time bombs. Also you have to hurry with the fruits drop because the next fruit won't be released before the previous one is gone.
-6315 easy but very smart. First you need to blow the top cord. Best is to let the dropping boosters cumulate then focus on the first node on the cords. After the cord blows let the boosters dropt at the end so you can get the keys. After that you need to blow the top jelleys. A good trick is to use an horizontal stripes. This will activate all the vertical stripes that will fire together as a Staline orgues. This is a great level.
-6316 tricky. in this game you have to hit the bottom right vertical stripes that will trigger the top row keys and this will drop the grapes. The problem is that you need to get lucky to hit it, which was not my case. In addition you need to hit it four times because the keys themselves are locked. Alternatively you could just use 4 hammers at I was reduced to do in order to avoid having to lose a life.
-6317 easy. aim for the keys then finish off the jelleys. There are two ufos handy to use, try to keep them for the end.
-6318 easy. The most difficult here are the black blockers. Try to suck them out of their generators but I am not sure if they are released only after the jelley generators are destroyed, I forgot to check. The fish can help in this occasionally.
-6319 tricky. Nothing to say but difficult to complete without extra boosters. There are just too many obstacles and it's nearly the end, you may be tired, I was.
-6320 tricky. You need to blow the frog four times. Use it to get at the generator but on the other hand if you get to close your frog will be chocified.
Dear community,
How are those new levels going?
We need your feedback! From Win10 players and also from Facebook and Mobile devices (Android, iOS and Amazon), our Levels designers want to hear from all of you.
Episodes 420 - 421 and 422 for mobile devices and episodes 426 - 427 and 428:
Thanks a lot in advance and have a delicious day!
Dear community,
How are those new levels going?
Please remember that we are gathering feedback from Win10 players and also from Facebook and Mobile devices (Android, iOS and Amazon), our Levels designers want to hear from all of you.
Episodes 420 - 421 and 422 for mobile devices and episodes 426 - 427 and 428:
Thanks a lot in advance and have a delicious day!
Thanks @Pounawea and Hi everyone
Finished 3 episode Levels 6410 until 6455 on Windows 10.
Episode 1 and 3 really make me trouble , Level 6441 and 6446 its super hard level .
Level 6446 with Licorice , double jelly and timed bomb candy ohh No๐ฌ .I just try play in the middle to get wrapped and stripped candy.
My favorite level is 6426 and 6432 in episode 2 , its easy play with combine 2 colorbomb.
Happy Crushing Everyone โค๏ธ
Dear community,
New episodes have been released! ๐ฅณ Let's have a quick look at the latest levels & episodes released per platform added to the game!
Today (February, 12th), in Candy Crush Saga we have...๐ฎ ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ
Let's check it out the different Candy Crush Levels per platform:
Happy smashing everyone!
Feedback wanted!
From Win10 players and also from Facebook and Mobile devices (Android, iOS and Amazon), our Levels designers want to hear from all of you! Out of all the levels released today for you,...
In this topic, while keeping ourselves up-to-date in regards to the latest levels added to the game, I'd like to get your feedback about the episodes' little stories!
Out of the following 3 episodes released today on Facebook and mobile, which one is your favorite? and why did you like it more than the other? ๐
Let us know your opinion below!
Hi @Pounawea
This week and the levels were fantastic. However, the first level of the third episode(6441), that is, is very poor.๐
@kiara_wael 6446 fun level, Will you check again?๐
6465 Endless candy looping ๐คฃFor me only (maybe).
Ep. #423, That's me done for the day. Will tackle the next one tomorrow when I've had a chance to build up some boosters. ๐
Difficulty is in keeping with the number of stars collected for each. Yet again a nice variety, L#6327 being a nice easy respite!