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No longer able to exit an unstarted board without losing lives - Information and feedback



  • moonduststarlight
    moonduststarlight Posts: 1

    Level 1

    this new update is so bad...i have stopped playing the game...we all know that some board placements are more probable to result in completion of the level...why aren't you letting us choose the board and the desired placements.....that was all the fun in the game ..the new update is such a turn off....i won't be playing the game now...bye
  • Jane422
    Jane422 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    How about fixing the issue of not receiving our free lives from friends! 
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,400
    @WatchMEcRush21 Thank you for your response. 
    The thing is, we have been here all the way along. We are waiting as much as you are for an official announcement but the CMs non appearence has already been given a reason why. Don't be so quick to assume its being ignored or that anyone has lost interest. 
    It also doesn't mean though that we have to sit there while one member in particular feels the need to belittle anyone of the players plus the superstars. Its not nice. Its not kind. Its not clever. And its also not showing them in a good light as evidenced in the complaints many of us and the King team have had about them. Many of the players have already been told to avoid certain posters because of the nasty vicious abuse both in PM and on here that has been given.
    How people play the game. If people don't want to play with changes. If people choose to pay or not pay. That is on them. They shouldn't have to justify or defend themselves or listen to insults about themselves. There is only one poster (plus the fake accounts which are so clear as to who they are) that is accusing us of stirring up trouble and that has been right from the word go when I asked people to remember the house rules. Nobody knew what my opinion was on the change. I actually hadn't given one, one way or the other as it was an emotive subject. It was decided that I was against it and here to cause trouble. I have been on the commuity since long before even King care. Yes I have my opinions, but I have dealt with lots of nice people and some plainly rude. The only ones that find my impartial comments as offensive are not the nice ones so it might be wise to keep an open mind and not believe everything that is said. 

    I hope at some point soon an official comment will be made. It likely won't please anyone as the studio have already said their piece, but like you said, sometimes they can reverse things. There is always hope and I agree, this should be kept on track. Which cuts both ways. Positivity is the key :) 
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    What is a superstar?

    A Superstar is a volunteer who not only loves the game but also loves to help the players.  We can share the same game frustrations as all of you, but to me it's more about helping the players, teaching the players, offering guides to the new players, and much more.  To carry this title it's important to find positive out of the negative, like seeing the half full glass.  And that is how I see life.  Yes, we are all different people coming from different cultures, family dynamics, different religions and different everything.  But there is one thing that we all have in common and that is the love of gaming.  I am getting off track here so I'll continue this thread later on.

    We are volunteers who spend hours, days and weekends here trying to help the players.  Sometimes we can see a game glitch starting by the number of messages coming through here.  You write a message that something is not working.  Someone else writes the same thing.  And so on down the line.  This is where the Superstars step in, gather these messages and take them back to the community manager.  He/she will then elevate it to the studio.  I am not privy to what goes on in the studio.  I don't know their priority for these fixes either.  But there is a hierarchy that we all go through. 

    Are you guys even aware of how much the Superstars carry inside their head and their heart?  We play the games too.  We get frustrated too.  Sometimes we also don't like the changes in the game.  Then we come here and see nasty negative messages and threats coming in threatening to tell the world, the social media, YouTube, Twitter and on and on and on.  How do you think we feel?  No different than the rest of you here.  It's all about how we perceive the game and how we perceive life.   To get so outraged by such a simple little change is way beyond what my brain thinks about the game.  We only go through life once - do you want to spend it being upset, angry, mad because the studio made a change or do you want to spend it finding a way around it and having fun with your new found friends who play the game just like you!  How many of you have relatives and friends that just don't get your need to play this game?  Can you share these moments with them?  Would they understand why you carry so much dislike and anger about a specific change in the game?

    With that, I am closing out this message.  Think what you want about me but I know that I'm a good person and a volunteer who loves to meet new gaming friends and sharing my knowledge with them.  And that is why I became a Superstar!

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    SagaR said:

    I won't be reading replies or  commenting again so please feel free to ignore me.
    This kind of grand posturing only looks good if you subsequently really do not comment again. Otherwise it just makes you look like a pathetic tool.

    @SagaR I am so very surprised that you wrote that.  I have seen messages from you before and they were never negative.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Carrie Fisher...
    Then her mother (Debbie Reynolds) left on the very next day.
    Awfully cruel timing for the next of kin.
    BTW, ya gotta love gag orders.

    Yes it was a shock and very sad when her mother also passed on.  But look at it this way, they are now both in a better place.  I grew up with Debbie Reynolds and it did sadden me.
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,400
    SagaR said:

    I won't be reading replies or  commenting again so please feel free to ignore me.
    This kind of grand posturing only looks good if you subsequently really do not comment again. Otherwise it just makes you look like a pathetic tool.

    Well I would. If people would just stop shouting me back in. 
    The fact is there doesn't need to be negativity. Not everyone will agree. But it isn't needed. 
    The thread is about the game. How about its just kept on that. 
    Or star wars. I am good with star wars too while everyone waits for a reply. 
    Without the nastiness a lot of posters actually make good points and I have agreed 🤷‍♂️
  • TurboTim66
    TurboTim66 Posts: 51

    Level 3

    Positivity is the key :) 
    I'm positive this is the worst, most insulting and disrespectful move ever by a gaming consortium since gaming began.

    Sorry @Chicken_Slayer. Positivity left the building about 4 weeks ago. Along with my playing candy crush.

    If only others did the same, it would have changed back by now. But the addiction is what they're counting on, and so many are not letting them down. 🤷 They just can't stop playing. Between them and new players, the cause is lost.

    So if you are still playing daily, put up and shut up. Stop posting, you don't mean it.

    Sorry - I'll let y'all get back to talking about almost anything that has nothing to do with the removal of starting resets without losing a life and boosters.

    And playing the game anyway which serves no purpose towards making a stand or actually being heard.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    @Lynette, @firebombmarkus, @Elsa, @Chicken_Slayer, @Pounawea

    I appreciate the sudden interest in this thread all of a sudden (still waiting for @Pounawea however).  How can all of you be upset with us when we have not heard from CM or the Studio in about 6 weeks?  The bottom line is that we were told that a response would be on the way, and that has yet to occur.  Not even a common courtesy to check in about any update.  

    I agree that there have been some negative comments here but if you truly go through these 119 pages almost all are geared toward the frustration of this game.  The “fix” was just icing on top of the cake.  

    I am not sure what you’re agenda is but we should not keep widening the gap in whatever this rift is between the Community.  The point is that this game is no longer fun since the “fix” was implemented, and I believe the majority in here would agree (even if we are a small group out 9.2 million users! 🤨). 

    In the meantime, let’s try working together again and see if we can get some kind of response from CM instead of picking fights all the time.  This discussion has gone on for way too long without any response from CM.  The decision about the “fix” was reversed once before, so maybe it can happen again....

    Hi @Watc@WatchMEcRush21,  how many times in your life have you been let down because someone didn't fulfill what they said they would do?  Someone broke a promise?  Is that the end of the world?  How about you create a list of pros and cons about promises.  Would you have more on the pro side or the con side?  It's life!  It's a part of every day living.  Have you guys ever thought about seeing the other side of this?  @Pounawea was fairly new to this community, but not new to management and gaming.  He was not aware of how things happened in the past and the anger that some players expressed here about other issues.  He promised a response because that's probably what the studio told him.  Perhaps it's the studio who reneged and not him.  I want to tell you all one thing that I see and you guys refuse to see.

    No answer = not happening, no change

    This is coming from me and has nothing to do with King.  If they wanted or planned on making the change wouldn't they have done it already?  What answer do you want to hear from his mouth to this message?  If this is all that is holding you back in life then you are a very lucky person!  Work around it.  Find another way to play the game. 

    Yes I hear you that this is all about frustration.  I can think of another word and it's addic ......ion.  My major in college was psychology.  I have a Masters degree and I would never label any of you here except for this last word that I did not spell out.  You guys would be great going to a group therapy session and yelling and screaming that it' s not fair that they took this away from you.  And then if the group leader said that this is your behavior guess what you say do then - denial!

    I probably should not be saying what I have to say next because I am a Superstar but I always have to speak my heart so here it comes................

    Why do you need to hear the response from the community manager?  Do you all really think that the studio would reverse it after all of these 100+ pages?  My personal opinion - I don't see "so maybe it can happen again...." happening again and I throw it back on all of you who wrote nasty messages and told social media about how terrible King is because they won't reverse this for all of you. 

    I would like to give you the answer and not wait for our @Pounawea to give it to you.

    No answer = not happening, no change

    Get on with your lives and if this upsets you so much then play another game instead! 

  • TurboTim66
    TurboTim66 Posts: 51

    Level 3

    We just gotta love you Elsa!!! Sayin' it as it is!! 💖

    When it gets to 7 weeks, 120 pages, comments all over facebook and whatever else.... what else could be said now? You are so right with your post.

    You've been had people. Put up. Shut up. And move on. King DO NOT CARE!

This discussion has been closed.

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