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💡 Please only post ideas on how we can improve the game Candy Crush Saga!
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If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

No, really though, PLEASE stop changing the existing levels. My latest download of candy crush is thoroughly disappointing because of these changes. No more timed levels at all, zero effort required to get through the first couple hundred levels and plenty that have become extremely simple to pass yet impossible to achieve three star mastery have turned a fun, mentally stimulating game into something tedious and redundant with the occasional irritation thrown in.

2 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,430 Sweet Legend

    Hello and welcome to this community

    It is not an idea.

    Could you discuss it in the discussion area. But the team decides what they think is best.


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,882 Sweet Legend

    Thanks for tagging me @Spinnifix. Welcome to the community @jjryan17! Although your idea might sound good it's not going to get the visibility here. You will get a lot more visibility posting it in the support area here. More players visit the support area so your idea will be better read in that area than here. Also here is another link with some changes that will be going on in the game very soon. You might want to add your comments to it.Closing this for now.

This discussion has been closed.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?