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💬💭 Level Feedback! Leave your feedback on the new levels! (2021)



  • mdvyas
    mdvyas Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Good morning

    time pass

    Some level hard

    Some time mb problem

    Some time vison problem bcos cetrect

  • scooter1
    scooter1 Posts: 32

    Level 3

    I don't have to quit the game, King is doing it for me. I'm on level 10878 & have used up most of my boosters to get there. I don't have enough to carry on to pass the level. Checking google, those that have passed without boosters of course had more moves & a different board. The one that had the same board as I have had 29 moves compared to my 19. They started it off with a board full of boosters , used some of their own to get through on the 29th move so what chance do I have? I can't even get close & have been playing for weeks. I could buy 35 moves but don't have the gold bars to do so & will not pay for any game. It seems now more of the levels need the 35 levels using gold bars to pass than ones that don't need them. Feedback? What a joke, like they care what we think. If they did, all the people who's opinions I've been reading here would have them changing things back to what it used to be, a fun game.

  • geln77
    geln77 Posts: 60

    Level 3

    Hi King. I don't know if there's a Swedish idiom that's equivalent to "a well oiled machine" - There's also another saying where I live which basically says 'Don't mess with a good thing." For nearly 10 years Candy Crush was a "well oiled machine" that according to google makes close to 1 billion dollars a year. Why mess with your formula now? Is it too many mid level managers synergizing and *thinking outside the box?* How about you check on your *execution metrics* to see how your experiment on the 10 000+ levels is going.. hint: not well. When my other Candy Crush games (Friends, Soda and Jelly) became unbearable or unplayable, I simply stopped playing. As it stands, I watch almost no ads anymore--why? for what? boosters that do nothing? 5 extra moves when I really need 10? If I do watch ads, where are my boosters? 99+? Ninety nine plus what? where are they? Can I check somewhere to see they're still there or should I just take your word for it? Anyway, now that you've decentivised me from ad watching, I'll just be riding out my boosters until they're gone - or until you re- redesign your levels? I also think "redesign" is a generous verb considering there is no redesign or level testing - just cut moves and added blockers/ frosting.

    Happy new year.

  • tanii19
    tanii19 Posts: 386

    stuck on 10530 badly

    please help someone.

    played a million times.

  • tanii19
    tanii19 Posts: 386

    @Diamond Lim help


  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,726

    Check this video tip of how to pass level 10530 without using boosters and extra moves :

    You can also search it on YouTube that you can follow these tips of how to pass any levels without using boosters and extra moves too. 😊

  • geln77
    geln77 Posts: 60

    Level 3

    If I was unsure whether or not I was in some sort of focus or test group before, I'm fairly certain that's the case now. I can save you some time by just giving you my playing/ purchasing habits straight out.

    1) I have no interest in badges

    2) Don't care about races

    3)Same goes for tournaments

    4)Used to watch ads all the time for extra boosters but prefer not to use boosters as I enjoy puzzles and problem solving

    5) Will never pay for in app purchases or extra moves

    6) Would go back to watching ads if my game ever becomes playable again.

    My quality of game and game play has been aggressively unplayable since I passed the 10 000's . I would love to hear from an actual King employee and not a bot or a weird "fan" who directs me to absolute garbage videos that do not reflect my game. I would also love to not have a standard company line platitude like "All levels can be completed without boosters and extra moves"..because that is NOT my game ..hasn't been my game for 5 months.

    If you're wondering what "group" I'm in, just Youtube any level of Candy Crush (post 10 000) scroll down until you find the updated or *latest version* of that level ...and then there's usually 1 or 2 examples of it being completed with boosters, extra moves pinatas and ufos. So game does not "work".

    Is this even a real feedback board? ..would love any kind of answer - from a King employee.

  • geln77
    geln77 Posts: 60

    Level 3

    I feel like giving specific levels as examples of "unplayable levels" hasn't been helping. Until a few months ago I was a person who when unsatisfied with service/product would just walk away or spend my time/money elsewhere. I think most people would do this rather than engage with bots or online communities.The only reason I haven't "walked away" is that I - like many, have been sidelined by Covid and Candy Crush is one of my only/last vices. As someone who used to have a job and manage a product, I was always grateful for helpful tips and product feedback...especially when they would help my business.

    Anyway, on the off chance that your software only scans for numbered level's one.

    level 10 697 - it's an easy level ..according to my game. I guess the first players did it with 34 moves then 28...well, I have 20. If you're not familiar, you need to collect keys and grow the frog before you can even start on your board. Sometimes the game doesn't even give me the colors to grow the frog.I'm lucky if I can start the actual game play at 12 moves. At the very least you should build an algorithm into your game that after 4 days on a level, it "recognizes" either poor game design or player ability and moves you to the next level..I mean it's been 4 days "cascade".. no "almost there" ..just *spinning my wheels*.

  • geln77
    geln77 Posts: 60

    Level 3

    I should clarify: level 10 697 leaves me with an average of 12-14 moves to hit the skull box four more times...and THEN you can start on the 4 bubble gum wrapped color bomb packages, which each require 3 direct hits from "special candies" also need to clear 156 jellied squares. The one person that did do it with 20 moves ( except he didn't because he needed 5 extras) -his board was nothing like mine -his board had movement and I guess what you'd call "co-operation.' 4 months ago, I could do an average of 15 - 20 levels in 4 I can't do 1.

    ...even with boosters, You really should try it.

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