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Feedback on levels 9126-9170



  • Yorben_Goeree
    Yorben_Goeree Posts: 3,880

    Level 9170 is impossible because for the last cherry 🍒 is not come out. For 3 🍒 are inside of cherry cannon spawned for per 1 🍒 for every 7 moves. 3 🍒 x 7 moves = 21 moves. There are only 20 moves. Please report this level 9170. Not enough moves for last cherry come out. Thanks you.

  • Yorben_Goeree
    Yorben_Goeree Posts: 3,880

    The level 9170 has been changed for the version: 

    1. ✅A cherry spawn every 7 moves.
    2. ✅The number of moves for 25 moves instead of 20 moves. 
    3. ❌The number of ingredients for 4 cherries instead of 5 cherries. 
    4. ✅One candy color has been switched of red candies instead of purple candies.
    5. ✅The Toffee Swirls: For one-layered toffee swirls instead of two-layered

    The red cross “❌” makes this level impossible. Because for the last cherry come not out for the target of level is 5 cherries.

  • John_58011
    John_58011 Posts: 212

    I passed level 9170 on Win 10 before the level was buffed, and out of curiosity tried it on mobile. Still 20 moves, 5 cherries not possible. And yes the app is up to date, lol.

  • Marina_Zakon
    Marina_Zakon Posts: 72

    Level 3

    Not my favorites the endurance levels.

    @Yorben_Goeree @John_58011 true, I passed 9170 weeks ago on Win 10 and now it’s been made impossible.

  • John_58011
    John_58011 Posts: 212

    @LindQ you make a mistake on 9170. On Facebook 5 cherries 20 moves, needs a fix.

  • King_Neal
    King_Neal Posts: 1,700
    Not my favorites the endurance levels.

    Hello @LindQ,

    It’s official, level 9151 is just not possible without gold bars. As it is configured now, it is harder than any Nightmarishly Hard level I’ve played.

    I am at this point in my efforts:

    This message means I have tried and failed 50 times and am being offered 35 extra moves for ten gold bars to continue. As you can see, I actually have more than 10 gold bars, but I haven’t used that option yet as I’m not sure that would be enough to finish the level. In my 50 tries, I would say I average around 50 jellies left when I run out of moves. The screen above shows 51 still remaining. In my 50 losses so far, the very best I have done is 9 jellies left and 26 jellies left. The rest have been between 40 to 60 jellies left.

    This level really needs to be fixed. If I didn’t have gold bars, there is no way I could ever complete it.

    My plan is to keep playing it until I have less than 30 jellies left and then use my gold bars to get the 35 extra moves. Hopefully I can pass it. If I fail for some reason, I’m going to need to quit playing until the level is tweaked. A layer or two of the sugar coating on the keys needs to be removed to make this level possible. Either that, or the number of starting moves needs to be about 50.

  • King_Neal
    King_Neal Posts: 1,700
    Not my favorites the endurance levels.

    Hello @Crazy Cat Lad and @LindQ

    I passed impossible level 9151 using the strategy I mentioned in my last post. I got three extra moves to start the level on my 56th try. I then got a very lucky board and only had six jellies left when I ran out of moves. I used 10 gold bars to continue with the 35 extra moves and used 11 of them to clear the last six jellies. So 26 moves to start plus the three extra from watching an add plus 11 extra from the gold bars is 40 moves needed with a six sigma event lucky board. My estimate of 50 moves is about right to make this a regular difficulty level.

    Now on to what I think is a bug in level 9157

    I’ve had a problem twice in a row with level 9157. Both times the level becomes unresponsive to any moves, though the gear in the corner is still active, so I know the game isn’t frozen.

    It appears that the sour skull has been triggered but the next one doesn’t become active so the game is in a wait state waiting for the next sour skull to become active again.

    Both times this happened, I made what could be considered an unusual move. In the screen below, I had used a hammer to align two color bombs and then combined them. It was my first move on the level and the board became unresponsive to any further moves. Here is the unresponsive board:

    Note that neither sour skull is activated.

    After this, I restarted my iPhone and tried again. This time my first move was to combine a fish with a wrapped candy and at least one fish went to the active sour skull and exploded also setting off a striped candy, resulting in the sour skull being hit three times in a row very rapidly. The board was then unresponsive again. Here is the unresponsive board:

    Note that neither sour skull is activated.

    This issue has cost me two lives, a candy hammer, two color bomb boosters, two wrapped/striped boosters, and two fish boosters. I’m not a happy player because of this, so I hope you can identify and fix the cause of this issue.

    I’ve had a similar issue in Candy Crush Friends Saga that I’ve documented in great detail in the support area for that game. The board becomes unresponsive under certain circumstances when playing with Dach’s as a caterpillar.

    These are very frustrating bugs which I hope can be fixed soon. Not happy losing hard earned boosters and lives on these super difficult levels for nothing.

  • LindQ
    LindQ Posts: 562

    If you are experiencing bugs like unresponsive boards etc, that's something you should contact the support about to report the bug. They'll compile it with other similar reports and make sure it ends up with the right team ^^

  • King_Neal
    King_Neal Posts: 1,700
    Not my favorites the endurance levels.

    Thanks @LindQ. I actually posted the bug in level 9157 in the support area first and someone reading my post suggested I post it here too. I figured it couldn’t hurt having it in both places.

    Hopefully, it will be easy to reproduce and fix.

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