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#IDEAS Master List

messenabout Posts: 315
edited March 2022 in Discussions

When new ideas are posted, the process of checking first to see if it's been posted before could be easily streamlined if there were 1), a dedicated (read: required) space for the poster to enter a keyword(s). (I also suggest if no keyword is entered then the post not be included, you know, in the name of efficiency and workload. It shouldn't have to fall to you guys - I mean you do enough and I think if people can't get it right then it shouldn't be included. Some people are just too lazy and that's just too bad for them. My opinion only LOL). Taking it one step further, if you find a match on a keyword, you could click to expand that idea to enter an addition or variation to it. This in turn will also make it easier for (I always say you guys cuz as a whole I don't know whether it's moderators or administrators or other) for you guys to go through and see the new entries which ideally would be bold. In doing so that variation is now automatically included in the Master list. And while I'm thinking about it, when entering a previously UNpublished idea people could just enter it directly under the category for their keyword. This then makes your guys' job mostly done by itself. All you have to do is go through, check it, delete, or add to other keywords etc. Doesn't have to all be moved around and separate lists made and posted blah blah blah.

And 2), add to this a Search button. It then becomes a snap to check before posting your own new idea.

There is no uniformity to the 'previous ideas' section as it stands now so it's very cumbersome and time consuming to check first. It also takes away from crushing time LOL.

You know as more and more ideas are added, that list will become very long and if there's not some sort of organization to it people won't bother checking, but say they did LOL. So guess what? It'll then rebound to you good people. For all I see there's way too much work to be done on here as it is. I honestly don't know how you guys get any play time in. I think you need to hire secretaries LOL.

I'm speaking from experience about people not reading it as I'm one of those people that sends lengthy texts and emails and so many people, like even my family, won't read my texts if there are more than three or four lines. So I really wouldn't expect people to go through a list that's not easy to skim over.

I am queen of organization. But as I get older I get lazier and/or it's not so important as it used to be LOL. 0n my headstone it will read: Terri leaves to us a messier world.

PS the Ideas Library links don't work, that is except the first one that takes you there. LOL

{Oh boy, I already go round in circles enough all over this site}. LOL


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