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🗺 New Saga Map Makeover - Check it out!



  • GSH10
    GSH10 Posts: 61

    Level 3

    THE NEW MAP WILL DRIVE LOYAL PLAYERS AWAY! It took me 5 minutes of finger swiping to get back to level 3000 to collect orders for chocolate box.

  • JulesCrushit
    JulesCrushit Posts: 38

    Level 3

    edited June 2023
    Sour! I don't like the new saga map... (please tell us why)

    The new map makes me dizzy. It has too much of a 3D effect to it. People who suffer with motion sickness will not like this.

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,201
    Sour! I don't like the new saga map... (please tell us why)

    Hi @QueenB I asked on March 1st and again a few days ago re if King have made a decision on adding a feature that would make scrolling back easier. You may have replied somewhere else and I haven't seen it. Has a decision been made yet as it is now 5 months since you said it was being considered and I can't find the reply to say if it is going to happen or not.

    Thank you.

  • Alaskagirl11
    Alaskagirl11 Posts: 9

    Level 2

    Sour! I don't like the new saga map... (please tell us why)

    Hate it. The old map was more spacious and viewable and I hate that this forces portrait mode only for us tablet users. A huge portion of your customer base hates it for multiple reasons but you won’t listen. Oh and stop testing in production on unsuspecting users like me.

  • vavavroom
    vavavroom Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Sour! I don't like the new saga map... (please tell us why)

    For three years… five and a half THOUSAND levels I have happily played candy crush, mostly aware of this message board without any burning need to join it.

    Until today, when I have crossed the line and joined this message board SPECIFICALLY to say HOW MUCH I ABSOLUTELY AND FERVENTLY DETEST THE NEW MAP!!!

    it’s too tight, it moves in a way that makes you feel motion sick as you’re scrolling, it makes it even HARDER to go back to earlier levels than it already was, and takes away your overview of upcoming or recently completed levels. 56% of players said they dislike it!! So why foist it on us??

    Not that I expect that king is likely to give a hoot what players like and change it back (or offer a choice??) about a change they’ve already decided on, but I do wish you would.

  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,226

    @QueenB I have now played 14420 levels, and the new map that has appeared on my iPad is an abomination. Who allows these totally incompetent designs to be released. CCS is rapidly going backwards in all aspects of the game.

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,201
    Sour! I don't like the new saga map... (please tell us why)

    Hi @QueenB this is the 3rd time of asking and as the saying goes, third time lucky. It still hasn't been confirmed if King are definitely going to add a feature to scroll to lower levels, and if so when. I was happy to know what you put above on 27th January. Appreciate you're waiting for the studio to get back to you but it would be nice to get an answer one way or the other. To scroll back from the 14000's on this awful new map is ridiculous and very off putting.

    Look forward to hearing from you.

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,201
    Sour! I don't like the new saga map... (please tell us why)

    Hi @Alienscar @Doondie I'm just testing to see if my tagging is working, like you did a little while ago Alienscar. On 1st March, 15th and 17th June I tagged @QueenB to see if King were still considering a scroll feature on the 'not so sweet' New map as was suggested on 27th January, 5 months ago. Not sure if QueenB is on a long holiday, not part of the Community anymore, isn't getting my tags, or just doesn't want to respond. Would just be nice to know if it's going to happen.

  • Doondie
    Doondie Posts: 1,255
    Sour! I don't like the new saga map... (please tell us why)

    Kalí méra, @Carol-38! 👋

    I'd understand tagging the otherworldly guy - to pay him back - but meee? What have I done to you? Thought we were friends. 😂

    I'm sure QueenB has seen your mentions but it's not up to her. I'm also sure this idea has been circulating for years but it's a painful necessity nowadays. Devs just don't want to hear about it. So much for caring about players' feedback. Why even bother conducting surveys? 😒

    Speaking of surveys - King are giving 250 gold bars to selected players for a 45-minute session. Wonder what they'll be asking and whether something will improve in-game as a result. 🤔

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,201
    Sour! I don't like the new saga map... (please tell us why)

    I know the final decision isn't QueenB's and QueenB knows I know that. But being as the post in this thread on 27th January to me from QueenB said it was being considered - have you seen that post - I just wanted to know if a final decision has been made. The answer is either yes, no or still thinking about it. I added you as a tag just to see if my tagging is working and hoped either you or Alienscar would confirm it is, which you have. Only 4 more days by the seaside, then flight back home. Haven't seen the survey so no gold bars for me.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?