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@Pounawea, Completed this level with a Diamond Trophy too. Again no Episode Race, taking away the need to complete it as quick as possible. In the last three weeks I lost out on a possible 20 Gold Bars, which I feel is unfair at this stage of the game.
The new feature is kinda cool. with the first 4 levels quite enjoyable, then reality kicked in with level 7900, where I had to use LH x 5 because of a poor board. Out of the first 10 levels nine were finished with between 10 and 19 moves left and most of them were fun. The next 5 levels were either tricky or difficult and I used 14/20 boosters in them.
I think in level 7906, the design, with fruit drops at far left and right is deliberate, since it always going to be difficult to swop out fruits with candies. There are fruit drops in the center of the board but you have almost no control over it, unless you explode candies underneath them at he cost of moves. I had two fruits on top of each other making a fruit swop impossible.
Level 7905 had Freddo in it, but I am not sure what the purpose of him being there was. I fed him, but did not use him and he just stared at me with those big bulgy eyes. Probably waiting to get his own back some time in the future.
Episode 528 - Chocolate Mountain
Trophy Awarded: Diamond Trophy
First time passes using level moves only: 15/15 (Golden Crowns)
Levels passed using extra moves: 0
Levels failed: 0
Attempts at replay: 0
In Game boosters used: 20 in 7 levels (LH x 11, FS x 3, PS x 3, UFO x 3)
Boosters used to create CB Combo's: 4/20
Pre Game Boosters used: 39
Most boosters used in one level: 5 (Level 7900 - LH x 5)
Levels with no in-game boosters used: 8
Sugar Stars: 7
Difficult Levels: 4/15 (7900, 7906, 7907, 7909}
Tricky Levels: 1/15 (7903)
Best Levels: 8/15 (7896-7899, 7901, 7902, 7904, 7905)
Five Star Levels: 8/15 (7896-7899, 7901, 7902, 7904, 7905)
Four Star Levels: 2/15 (7903, 7908)
Three Star Levels: 1/15 (7910)
Two Star Levels: 1/15 (7909)
One Star Levels: 3/15 (7900, 7906, 7907)
Level 7900: Very poor board. No matching candies for last two Bgum poppers bottom right, with 8 moves left. Special candy drop right above Bgum not dropping. Used LH x 2 to smash striped candies and then LH x 3 to smash the Bgum poppers. Waste of 5 good boosters.
Level 7906: LH to create CB Combo. Terrible level. 3 x Fruit stuck in both corners and impossible to drop from there with 12 moves left. Tried to manipulate board to drop candies by swopping out candy with fruit. No luck, with 6 move left. Used FS X 3 to move candies in line with the drop. I think the design of this level with fruit drop at far left and right is deliberate, since it always going to be difficult to swop out fruits with candies. There are fruit drops in the center of the board but you have almost no control over it, unless you explode candies underneath them at he cost of moves.
Level 7907: Poor level. FS to create CB Combo. With 12 moves left
I believe that I like the new blocker "Oder Lock". Still trying to totally understand it. Level 7896 is the 1st level that this appears in.
I am level 7807
Dear Candy Crusher,
This day of the week has come... and they are already here!
More information coming up soon!
Dear Candy Crushers!
New episodes have been released in Candy Crush Saga! 🥳
Today, September 30th, in Candy Crush Saga we have...😮 🥁🥁🥁 Let's check it out the different Candy Crush Saga Levels per platform:
Getting closer and closer to the incredible milestone of level 8000 in Candy Crush Saga! 🙌
⛓🔓 Order Locks - New challenging and sweet feature in Candy Crush Saga! More info HERE
⭐️ ⭐️ Candy Crush All Stars Tournament! Who'll be the UK's top Crusher?! HERE!
Please note that this Tournament will be available for Candy Crushers playing in the UK. However, I'd like to invite you all to follow up on this tournament and cheer for all UK players, specially for the ones that are part of our sweet community. 😊 🙌
Are you at the very top of the Saga Map on weekly basis? We've prepare a very special contest for you! Don't miss out this:
We'll be looking forward to reading your feedback & episode ratings!
Have a delicious day and happy crushing!! 🍬🍬
Hmm, since the update Candy Crush is crashing during startup on all of my 3 W10 laptops. Yesterday, it was working on 1 of the 3. Am I the only one? All laptops have windows fully updated
@Pounawea It was great to get the new releases early. In Australia they were there just before 7.00pm instead of 10.00pm. This meant I have finished before I have usually started. Most of the time because of the late hour release, I can only get through 30 levels before tiredness gets my concentration and I go to bed and finish in the morning.
Anyhow the first episode was mostly horrendous !! It started ok with a Rainbow Rapids level featuring order locks. A good level. The next 7912 was very hard and required extra moves and hammers to complete. 7915 was a poor level with way too much cascading, making it a matter of luck. 7917 was hard with extra moves required but the frog target saved it. 7918 required tactics to get rid of the licorice rope. 7919 was very hard and in my opinion unfair. 7920 very hard with boosters required. 7921 was near impossible. it is ridiculously hard and requires many boosters !! All in all not an enjoyable episode.
Episode 2 was an improvement although it had 7931 which is impossible without the use of extra moves, UFOs and hammers. 7932 required tactics in moving the frog. Enjoyed 7939 a Rainbow Rapids level.
Episode 3 was a great Episode. 7941, 7942 and 7949 were fun levels. 7950 was difficult and required some thought and 7954 was very hard with care and tactics required to eliminate the candy rope.
All in all, this week required way above average use of extra moves and boosters. Now, after a day's rest, hopefully Dexter will appear to entertain me over the weekend.
If you keep releasing levels, it would be impossible to get to the end.
@WonderlandCentury789 Plenty of us at the end so it is not impossible !!!
Why is it that EVERY level I play has at least 5 moves LESS than the videos show.
Greedy greedy company just want you to spend money. They are an absolute disgrace and don’t give a damn about loyal players. Most ways of gaining boosters has been removed, shocking.
They’ve even brought this magic lamp thing out, but if you want to play the gold one it costs £10. They have NO SHAME whatsoever