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Alphabetty Saga and other rants...

Oystercopy Posts: 6 Level 2

First of all, I've been a game enthusiast for most of my life but have been playing games on my cell for about 10 years now. That being said, what I'm about to write comes from a place of frustration with the gaming community at large, but particularly with its (seemingly) domineering player in the mobile community - King.

I've been playing Alphabetty Saga for a couple of years now and it is painfully clear that this game is DESIGNED to be a money grab, from the very first levels... No longer is a game supposed to hold your interests on the merit of its design or playability (or even enjoyment, for that matter) but now its all about how much MONEY they can suck out of you, for as long as they can!

I've read some of the community feedback on this game on these boards, and people are gushing about "how great it is" and "how fun it is to play", etc. However, I've NEVER played a game in my life MORE DESIGNED to steal your money, every chance it gets... Once these developers lock you into a game, and you truly want to compete and have fun at the same time, you are not able to, because they've made it (virtually) impossible to continue without forking over the $$. Now, this is indicative of the other games King has developed (to be sure) but nothing I've seen like the money grab from Alphabetty Saga, in particular.

It is so painfully obvious that the developers put in AS LITTLE amount of vowels (which, of course, you need to make words with) in a level, ever. In fact, the only way to beat certain levels is to exit the game, go back in, and try again. If you try to continue on most levels, it will never give you enough vowels to even complete that level, without using (endless) board shuffles, or simply using hammers (or other tools) to try to shuffle the board enough to where it (might) give you a chance to play the game as intended. This takes all the FUN right out of the game! The way I know this is, the game will constantly shuffle its own board, in an attempt to allow it to make any coherent word with the vowels it has allotted itself, and then after 5 auto-shuffles, ends that level and you have to start over... Now, if that isn't a design glitch (or, in my opinion, an intentional money grab), I don't know what is...

I realize that the days of buying a $20 computer game and playing it for a year or two are gone now, but since people are so attached to their phones (see: appendage) these days, it makes for a gaming situation ripe for exploitation.

I just couldn't go on another day without addressing these issues and I (can only) hope that the developers are aware that someone is watching them and can see the forest for the trees...



  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,123 Community Manager

    Hi @Oystercopy and welcome to our Community!

    Sorry to hear that you feel this way. All purchases in the game are fully optional and the majority of the players that have completed all 920 have never ever made a single purchase in the game. So it is possible to complete all level without spending anything.

    Some levels are super tricky I agree, and the mix of letters can at times make the level very hard, but the tough challenge on some levels is part of the game and challenge.

    If you want to win Gold Bars to your game, don't miss to check out the competitions under Discussions. At the moment there is Valentine's Word Challenge running here.

  • Oystercopy
    Oystercopy Posts: 6 Level 2

    I consider myself to be a fairly intelligent person, who is good with words, so I find what you're saying to be very hard to believe. Unless somehow there's some setting that makes my game super hard, and without any vowels to complete words?? This would be the only explanation.

    But there's a definite component within all of King's games that's this way, as well as others I've played and they're all the same.

    I never have trouble playing other word game not made by King, so go figure.

  • luchebbre
    luchebbre Posts: 6 Level 2

    where to write comments

  • luchebbre
    luchebbre Posts: 6 Level 2
  • luchebbre
    luchebbre Posts: 6 Level 2

    why not to play by facebook

  • luchebbre
    luchebbre Posts: 6 Level 2

    alpha betty saga was on facebook on number 409

  • luchebbre
    luchebbre Posts: 6 Level 2

    how can i go back to number 409

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 162,019 Diamond Diaries Moderator

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Sorry for your reply because this game has no longer to be available on Facebook started on 15th December 2020.

    But you can continue playing to save your progress with Facebook Account with mobile device. (Boosters cannot be transferred) 😉

    🐭 AlphaBetty Saga: play it HERE !

    You can also check this information here! (Official Announcement regarding AlphaBetty Saga’s Development on Facebook)

    Need Gold Bars on this game? Join Here!

    Have a nice and safety day! 😊

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,617 Level 5

    Gday @Oystercopy ,

    So sad to hear you feel this way.

    Yes I'm only about level 750 and have been playing alphabetty for 6 yrs. Not ever day though.

    I'm not a bot and I'm telling you now I've never spent money on this game! I love it just the same as I ever did lol

    It helps that the game itself is free, especially for cancer patients who are bored or lonely,brain injuries, dyslexia and other learning difficulties. So it's not always about competition or winning something. Sometimes it's about self worth,learning to be persistent with things that are hard and you may not like, filling the gap when you might otherwise be isolated due to medical circumstances etc

    I was an A grade English student and considered myself intelligent with words too until unforseen circumstances set me back to a barely getting C grade. Now I'm almost back to what I once was and alphabetty helped get me there!!! Benefits aren't always material and things that better your personality and skills are so much more valuable.

    But that's just my thoughts and of course you're entitled to yours too :0)

    Now.... @abe_coffee ....had any staff meetings lately about new level releases 😇 oh... and about that hammer... 😂

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