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Feedback on levels 9126-9170



  • LindQ
    LindQ Posts: 562

    Personally I love the sugar coats, haha. I agree the visibility isn't always the best though, like with the glass tiles. But I love making and playing levels with the sugar coats. My personal least favorite blocker is actually the cake, believe it or not!

  • sauren
    sauren Posts: 288

    So far, so good. I've been following Johnny_Crush just to make sure.

    Stopped after completing level 9150. I do have work to do.

  • Stretch21
    Stretch21 Posts: 249
    edited March 2021
    The endurance levels are OK.

    I play low levels, hope it sort out

  • Michael-6
    Michael-6 Posts: 987
    Not my favorites the endurance levels.

    Third episode finished. Definitely an easier batch of levels this week, the second episode being the hardest. Won't take much tweaking to make a few of the levels very difficult.

    9167 could be tricky, getting the double jelly under the liquorice dispenser could prove frustrating, when i played it the game handily got rid of those jellies with a load of cascades. Could well have been very lucky!

  • Marina_Zakon
    Marina_Zakon Posts: 72

    Level 3

    Not my favorites the endurance levels.

    @LindQ @Johnny_Crush Am I the only one who is annoyed by the design of down arrows e.g. in level 9150? They are getting in a way and blocking the exit points instead of helping. I already brought this up to one of the tech support people but to no avail. Maybe you guys can help? Thank you in advance!

  • Purvi_Macwan
    Purvi_Macwan Posts: 63

    Level 3

    This is it. Just 9167 is really challenging. Other than that all smooth rides. Its very sad they they discontinued episode race. @LindQ what happened to Episode race? Lately they are disappearing. Good Luck guys.. See you next week.

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551
    edited April 2021
    Not my favorites the endurance levels.

    Hi @Johnny_Crush @LindQ @Crazy Cat Lad, @Pounawea @Albert_Heinrich @Scooterpie, @Sukanta_Biswas, @kiara_wael @Werner_Cichy @Yosca @Nix66, @Peter_Tornaros,

    Of course, I got it on *Level 9143. Here are my notes!

    • *Level 9143 - *Got Oops on 1st move. Lost Candy Necklace Win Streak of over 200! Lost chance for *Golden Crown! *Now have to replay for *Sugar Stars! *Need 200,000 for *Sugar Stars!

    • 1st Attempt - *Got only 197,406!
    • 2nd Attempt - *Got 342,617, 2nd on *High Scoring List! Cost me *Boosters tho!

    • Level 9143 - Got Oops on 1st move! Lost Candy Necklace Win Streak of over 200! Lost chance for Golden Crown! Need 200,000 for Sugar Stars! - CCS - Origins7 Dale

    You know what I dislike, *Glitches. Especially on these *Oops Levels. You should outlaw them *Kingster @LindQ.

    Every time, same story. Either *No Move, or 1st Move, then *Oops.

    Be sure you see my post at:

    More for you at that URL @LindQ.

    There is another problem. But, had to *Confirm it 1st. On the *(F5) Teams Rewards. Once you hit *7000 Points, you get your *Team Reward, however, if your team has moved ahead of you, & I have a excellent team btw, so very common that this has been happening. You do not get the *1st Reward from it. So not getting my *Full Team Rewards, because I play late, or too slow, whichever you like.

    Still haven't finished my *45 levels yet.

    • For @Crazy Cat Lad @Pounawea @LindQ: - *There is *No Scoreboard loaded in *Events for the above contest. I only use *Win 10 Pro PC - Desktop App. Signature below has *Current Versions for both *Saga & *Soda, which btw, was today's *Update.

    I will post later at above URL, once I am done with levels.

    Thought you should know.

    Take Care Group - Origins7 Dale, πŸ˜€

    My Player / User ID: 9815076088Β 


  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,226

    @LindQ I have finished this week's 45 levels. 3 very good Episodes, with a mixture of hard, easy, fun and tactical levels. Only complaint is my usual, why do nearly 20% of the 3 Episodes consist of boring Rainbow Rapids levels ?? Best level 9164 with Freddo the Frog. Worst level 9151.

    Totally agree @Origins7_Dale Oops levels should be done away with, they are a fraudulent way of taking what you have earned !!!

  • LindQ
    LindQ Posts: 562

    Level 9143 will be fixed in the patch today, so no future worries about an Oops. It's an easy level, so pre-game boosters will be disabled on the level entirely.

    @Origins7_Dale I have no control over any in-game events like F5, Scoreboards etc (this also goes for the episode race).For answer to things like that you are better off tagging the Community Managers 😊 I can answer questions about levels, and things related to the levels themselves. We are working towards ways of reducing Oops levels overall, and usually fix them within the first 24 hours.

    Thanks to everyone that flagged 9143, so we could add the fix ^^

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551
    Not my favorites the endurance levels.

    Hi @LindQ,

    Understood. However, the info I posted, could be passed on to the appropriate groups, so they can fix it. Lots of issues, as you can see.

    I have posted many times, on these things to the CMs, including *Compensation not only for myself, but for other players. Something to keep in mind here. Once the *Studio causes a loss to the player, it is just that. Loss of *Boosters, any *Monies spent etc... A *Patch / Fix is great, but, it doesn't recover the players loss. Anything future that the *Studio does in fixing things is fine also, but a loss is a *Past Event.

    However, I am told by the Saga CMs, only that the *Studio is working to improve the game. Which as I covered above, doesn't address the issue of *Losses, or *Compensation for it.

    If you looked at my post

    Which would refer you to here, on another *Oops level:

    So again, you might want to look at this. I bring the problem, along with a solution.

    Trust this helps.

    Thx Origins7 Dale, πŸ˜€


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