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❌✉️ No Lives received/ inbox empty (fixed)



  • sasa_sak
    sasa_sak Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Clear game data and cache, restart your phone, full your limit, repeat the process when run out of lives.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,617

    Won't you lose all of your boosters if you clear the app data @sasa_sak

  • Debbgood
    Debbgood Posts: 21

    Level 3

    There needs to be a “ridiculous” button. Or I’d even be happy with a “BS” button. The “helpful” “woah” “sweet” and “love” not really covering our complaint issue about the limit of lives. Maybe even a “gag” button could work. I’m a little sick of, and after 3 weeks, the very generic responses that are being posted daily. Most of us do have a brain, and a simple intelligent response from the kingpins WOULD BE APPRECIATED.

    10 YEARS PLAYING, AND I GET THE MESSAGE IN GAME “lives limited to 50 total, and will receive 5 per day?????

  • JoanChow
    JoanChow Posts: 0


    edited July 2022

    Can anybody tell me why can't I get life from friends about 2 weeks?

  • sonjaundsven
    sonjaundsven Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited June 2022


    *Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules 

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,617

    The most likely reason is that you already have a lot of saved lives.

    If you have more lives saved than you are allowed by your new life limit then you won't be able to receive lives.

    Alternatively there is also an ongoing issue caused by the new life feature that has resulted in people being unable to receive lives.

    In the first instance your mailbox will say something like 75/50. The larger number is how many lives you have and the 50 is how many you are allowed. If you see something similar in your mailbox then you won't receive any more lives until the 75 has dropped below 50.

    In the second instance if you see 0/50 and the zero never changes then you are suffering from the issue that is being investigated.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,617

    Haha @Debbgood I have often thought the same thing. At the very least they should add a SMH (shake my head) reaction.

  • Shalanocia
    Shalanocia Posts: 30

    Level 3

    I have players in my friends group the same levels as I am. I request help lives regularly and yet I am not getting lives except for the timer lives we are supposed to be getting. iOS is updated, apps are updated and it is connected to my Apple ID not my FB account. Fix this already!!!!

  • elwitmon
    elwitmon Posts: 5

    Level 2

    I can not access my lives in storage.

  • moonbapa
    moonbapa Posts: 18

    Level 2

    I emailed support about not even getting 5 lives a day since the change , they were not interested and told me it’s because my friends are not sending me any. I know this is not true due to the amount I was getting before and the life request am getting now . I was trying to explain to them that the 5 a day are not even coming through , a “bang my head on the table “ reaction would be useful 🤣

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