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Why am I not getting F5 awards on my ipad

Lisal6715 Posts: 4,070 Level 4

For several days I have not been able to get the F5 awards. There was a time where the progression bar was stuck and later I figured out that it was due to the

fact that total did not add up to 7000.

Best Answer

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,636 Legend
    edited July 2022 Answer ✓

    @lalopez6715 I had to delete a lot of stuff to get it to backup. 

    Lack of available memory space can affect not only Candy Crush, but the device itself. Candy Crush requires 2GB or more of RAM to work correctly. If you had to delete stuff just to backup this is not a good sign. Saying that I would expect your device to show other symptoms other than just your F5 issue. Running slowly, crashing and freezing are general signs of lack of memory.

    That is probably your best option, but as you know you will lose all of your saved boosters.

    I guess you are already aware, but please remember to restart your device in between removing and reinstalling the app.

    Also clear the browsing history of Safari and delete everything you can to maximise your memory space.

    The standard response on here when someone doesn't receive the rewards from a feature is to tell them to contact Player Support. Problem is we are also told that King don't generally replace items that we win from playing the game.



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