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πŸ† Winter Cup - Like the sound of a year's supply of Gold Bars?



  • cookiemae
    cookiemae Posts: 1,237

    I don't understand your issue. I have well over 1 million candies. I started playing at 10:30 the day the finals came out and played for 12 hours that day. Oh I did take breaks but I did not cheat. I just played older levels. There was no cheating. If I had kept playing I would have over 3 million but my hand wasn't feeling to well. So to me it's possible and legitimate some of those high scores.

  • ashforgooner.....King rewards iPhone players 30,000 extra blue candy on top of what they earned for each level completed. Other device users get 10,000 extra blue candy. Some people in some of the Facebook groups screen shot and posted what they earned after passing a level.

    I sent a complaint to King Support, & they told me, yeah they give certain device users better rewards to entice them and to encourage them to play more.

    Except for PC users....they get nothing.

  • olyamt
    olyamt Posts: 245

    2 hours to go, I hope it stays this way for me too πŸ†οΈ

  • Piri_Margolas
    Piri_Margolas Posts: 10

    Level 2

    I usually love the contests but this one just wasn't worth it at all. For what it cost me in boosters and gold (aka real money) the time/effort by the final round just was way too much. I was averaging 1000 - 1500 blues per level (that's with new lvls to get the 10x bonus percentage) and with 1 hr left I still 34rneed over 50k more to get to the top ... At spot 5 atm and I finally had to give up as I'm out of boosters and gold now, and I refuse to spend more money when I've zero chance to pass up the person at the top. The top spot in my group has numbers around 425k ... How you guys get in the millions is beyond me yikes! Especially when many of the lvls I'm getting are impossible to finish w/o using boosters and/or spend the extra 10 gold. For the record I'm currently at lvl 1500 on the nose, just blew through 4 lives and I used all my boosters and gold and I'm struggling to get even a few blues lately yeesh!

    I still don't understand why the game differs so much person to person, or why things like the Piggy Bank /etc show up so sporadically. At least in CCSS and Farm Saga everything stays stable for the most part ... no disappearing Piggy's, contests updates are reliable, the cost for boosters is much more affordable, and there's very few levels that are so impossible you want to scream. I get that King needs people to buy in-game items but come on here ... there's got to be a limit on greediness somewhere! Giving us contests where someone is either seriously cheating (I did the math and in my list for the guy at the top to have over 425k blues when the next highest is around 350k he's either got unlimited money to buy boosters or he's playing an easy older level for what would have to be about 2 - 3 days for roughly the entire day straight or he's cheating somehow ... there's just no other way to get that high otherwise. If he's playing new lvls then it's not on whatever "server" I'm on because the top rank just hit and I won it tonight and am currently at the top now.

    Which makes me wonder how King even does the tiers. It doesn't seem like someone from the US should be grouped with someone from places like China/Korea/UK/Aussie/etc but I always am. The contests/etc end at midnight to 3 AM my time so it's an unfair advantage to me to have to stay as they're now in the afternoon and have the time to push ahead whilst I'm sleeping, so I end up staying awake or risk losing my place.

    Anyway, it's 2 AM and with no chance at all now to catch up I'm done, after winning the top spots in the last 2 rounds it's a major let down but no way to get from the 297k I have to the 440k he has. Took me 3 to get 55k tonight so getting 145k blues in 1 hr isn't happening. Instead time to get some food, watch an episode of Love Like The Galaxy, and get some sleep. From what I've heard the lvls after 1500 start getting much more frustrating so maybe it's time to take a break from CCS and stick to CCSS and FF ... after what I spent on all 3 games Holidays Contests I should give my credit card a rest lol!

  • Boybinary
    Boybinary Posts: 3,073


  • Amoonmoon
    Amoonmoon Posts: 36,042

    Yes yes yes yes πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†

  • Clarke1
    Clarke1 Posts: 13

    Level 2

    Come on in my player group in 3 days the top score was over 2 million blue candies and that is impossible. So king you need to take a good look at these so called miracle players and disqualify them as it’s unfair to the players who play fair.

  • lelol72
    lelol72 Posts: 36

    Level 3

    There is no indication of gold bars reward, anyone?

  • Kyckling
    Kyckling Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Since you posted your result here, would you mind telling us how you managed to reach the rather impressive sum of more than 12 000 000 points? As this sum would seem impossible to most players it would be interesting to hear your input on the matter.

  • festac1977
    festac1977 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    It’s so sad!!!! After getting to the final, the winter cup suddenly disappeared from my game. This is not fair! I am so heartbroken and I don’t want to continue playing the game again. I did nothing. I have been playing since!!!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?