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Passing a Level

NanaIHEC Posts: 2

Level 1

1704! It's never taken me this long to pass a Nightmarishly Difficult level, this is just Hard. It doesn't look passable, even with extra moves or I would have bought 60 extra by now. It's been way too long. I'm stuck!


  • starry75
    starry75 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Not there yet but you can add me as a friend!

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    You can search it on YouTube that you can also follow these tips of how to pass any levels without using boosters and extra moves too. 😊

    You can also check this information here (My level is too hard!) and here (Levels keep changing, looks different from online videos!) by Community Team that we hope you can understand to read them.

    And don't worry! You can still earned more boosters (gold bars) by in-game features/events (also contests on this community) that you can use the boosters to beat any tricky levels. 😉

    Hot topics right now in Candy Crush Saga here and in King Community here 🌶️ 🍭👑

    You can also participate on Candy Crush Contests here and General Contests here that you can chance to win gold bars on this game. 😉

    👑 Join our Kingdom and get this royal badge here and Pro Players - Welcome to the Community (May Become Pro Player then Comment and Get Pro Player Badge) here!

    Have a nice and safety day! ❤️😊

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