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And the winners are: Bots and Cheaters



  • mizmonnj
    mizmonnj Posts: 8 Level 2

    so the top score avg 212,247 per hour with constant play. The gain in the last minute was 11.3k. If they did that for say 45 minutes an hour that would be over 511k per hour. Dang. I am very competitive and would love to pick up pointers. Sadly he probably took a moment to eat and go to the bathroom without assistance 🤣🤣 I am jealous. And tired, very tired. 🥱

  • mizmonnj
    mizmonnj Posts: 8 Level 2

    I may have accidentally deleted my reply. Top player avg was 212.2K per hour. In the last minute, gained 11.3K. At that pace for say 45 minutes of play per hour would be 511.6K. I need pointers so I can have a moment to eat and go to the bathroom alone 🤣🤣🤣. Will any of the game play in LA be recorded so I can learn?

  • tifbo
    tifbo Posts: 2 Newbie

    I 100% agree I’ve been playing candy crush faithfully since it came out over 10 years ago to help with my anxiety and I’ve lost all respect for this company. There is no way in 12 hours a player can get that high of a score. It was FILLED with bots.

  • quekkc
    quekkc Posts: 133 Level 3

    Yes, in the past tournaments I used to play some specific old levels that has high yield. I could get at least 300K per hour. Since these levels were widely known, King eventually replaced those levels. But I suspect there could be other such old levels not known to many.

    If old levels were not allowed and there is still such high score, then I am more inclined to believe that there are Bots and Cheaters.

  • sirirath2022
    sirirath2022 Posts: 1 Newbie

    I was in the same situation as you. I was going all out, slept 2.5 hours in final round 2 of 3 and the person on the top of the leader board started of the game with 100k in the first few minutes after 9 am, which was strange. This player had played 3 days straight without stopping. I reported to King and got a lame response. I know for sure there are people who have cheated to win. I was disappointed that they would allowed this to happened. I do not trust them to do the right thing at this point.

  • Einstein7
    Einstein7 Posts: 6 Level 2

    Hello! I understand your stance though, my last post I was rambling and sleep deprived-still as such. I know how frustrating it may be to have people complain/become embittered that someone’s score is higher, when the person with the higher score wasn’t cheating and they just played well/ton of money/skill/luck. I will be sure to screenshot suspicious scores if I am to play next year, completely understandable. But, there must be some legitimacy to the claim if several people have observed 125k in 2 min. I am happy with my scores as a my first time playing all stars. There were definitely players ahead of me that do not deserve to lose their place due to the h-a-c-k-e-r-s. Ahem. Darth Vader and Nataly Rosales 🙄. Thank you for looking into the claims.

  • Swil
    Swil Posts: 13 Level 2

    I gave this game my absolute everything to get beat as well, not sure if the person who beat me cheated, but I will say this…suppose to collect “purple candies” and just keep beating new levels while collecting those “purple candies” right? Well love how legit half of the 1000 levels I beat this week DIDNT even have purple candies. If all my levels had them no shot I would of got beat. Period

  • Ashley82185
    Ashley82185 Posts: 1 Newbie

    A King representative said they used bots since so many people entered the tournament.

    I was "scammed" too. I made it to round 2 of the final knockouts and gave up after the bot acquired 2 million in a few hours. There was no way.. I continued to play, but no where near how I was. Also, during the 2nd round, most of my levels didn't have purple stars in them, so I was only getting the minimum of 30.

    Remember too- they had to pay John Cena for his sure that was costly, so taking money from players was what they had to do lol

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,674 Level 5
    edited April 29

    Hi @Pyrolight and thanks for taking over to defend rationality and sanity this year. I'm sorry I couldn't join you as I was spending the past week in theme parks and hotels with useless wifi.

    I found myself in exactly the same position as you last year, facing abuse from a bunch of people who were adamant that any player better than them must be a cheater. This mindset is something you just can't argue against. That these folk are suggesting you might work for King is genuinely the stupidest thing I've read in the community all year, as I'm pretty well sure you and I are a thorn in King's eye here, since we've been telling all the newbies how rigged the game is!

    There is no arguing with the angry mob at this stage, I did that last year and it went on and on for months up to the finals in London and beyond. They did go on to file their class action law suit. I think it's still ongoing and if the new folk wanted to start another one on top of that, what fun!

    Now I'm back home I haven't got the inclination to face the angry mob again. Been there, done that in 2023. I think we should try to leave them to in the All Stars forum and start afresh in Discussions with some nice new test games. I'm done with All Stars 2024. Looking forward to All Stars 2025 though.

  • AnneRoz
    AnneRoz Posts: 12 Level 2

    In my honest opinion, I really think that King is behind all of these issues. These might be their own BOTS! The people in the finals might be not real players. Just people they hired to act and make us believe that they are really giving out a million dollars. Thanks goodness I only spent £250. I played 15 hrs straight to pass the number one on my leader board, he wasnt moving at all and that gave me the opportunity to pass him. I was ahead of him like 200k. But, guess what? When he started moving, he passed my score after half an hour! Waaaah! That shocked me! That made me realised that I might be playing with someone who has loads of money or with a cheater. I stopped playing and spending more money. I feel sorry for those people who spent hundreds or even thousands to win this game. We need justice if these players are not real and King has condoned them!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?