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๐ŸŒถ๏ธ๐Ÿฌ Hot & Sweet right now in Candy Crush Saga!

And the winners are: Bots and Cheaters



  • AnneRoz
    AnneRoz Posts: 12 Level 2

    I know right. They are talking non-sense. All I can read from their replies are blah blah blah.

  • Suki_su
    Suki_su Posts: 72 Level 2

    @AnneRoz one thing that is making me very suspicious, is how these 3 or 4 players that keep answering like they work for King, are only "warning" or guiding players after they complain...but as their profiles are from 2021 and on, why they did not made a thread to warn players not to enter the tourney and to boycote inside app buyings of all sorts, until King fix this problems with bots and all the cheaters once and for all??l

    If the community is not being supervised by king's employes, someone should raise the voice for the others and take a stand against the platform itself...

  • El_Adolfo_Hach
    El_Adolfo_Hach Posts: 4 Newbie

    It is sad that King allowed these players into the tournament and cheat their way through. Same thing in my bracket on the second round of the final knockouts there were two players who were scoring points at a human-impossible speed. I reported them but nothing happened. Both of them ended in 1st and 2nd and I ended in 3rd. I thought they'd DQ them and move me on but obviously that wasn't the case.

    Next year they should have additional rules like say if there's a 72-hour lasting round, they should have players "rest" or not play for 6-hour periods, by blocking them out. That way a little more fai competition is promoted and allowed as lots of them share their devices with friends and family members to continue playing while they sleep. They will play for the entire duration of the round.

    The other thing I found on the dark web is some hackers selling these accelerometers for the game for a couple hundred euros. People just install them on their Android devices and the moves are sped up several times to the point where right after swiping the next move is available immediately.

    So basically players with such program plus having a sub or backup player were the ones who advanced into the final in LA. And King did nothing about it. I hope they get sued for unfair play. I mean when there's such an amount of money in the prize pool, legal actions could be taken. At least here in California where the tourney is being held.I have screenshots of my bracket's progress for that 2nd round of the final knockouts.

    This a screenshot of my bracket:

  • Suki_su
    Suki_su Posts: 72 Level 2

    That was not what i was saying. But you have to consider the possibility of legit players have not advanced because of those who tried to cheat their way through.

    I have been reading and seeying posts and prints of allot of players that where surpaced by accounts that where making more than 300.000 points an hour..and i know that its impossible to go higher than that in suck a small time frame. Even if your an ace in crushing, the best of the best, its not possible to do say, 1 million points in 30 min, and so many other inconsistencies.

    This did not happen until the final knockout stages, so, its not all players are cheaters, but they all happeared during this final stages.

  • quekkc
    quekkc Posts: 133 Level 3

    By playing just the new levels, I am a bit doubtful that one can be so lucky to get 300,000 points or even higher in an hour. Even old levels that can give you such high score are likely due to glitches in those levels. If you can identify those levels and play repeatedly, your score will be fantastic.

    To be fair, I think King should limit each old level to be played only once in the tournament. So that no one can exploit the glitches in some levels repeatedly.

  • Suki_su
    Suki_su Posts: 72 Level 2

    This all competition is faulted from top to bottom.

    From the start king blocked adds and blocked lives sent/received from players who where not on the to claim that this is a free competition, is a total joke.

    Then, (if i knew this upfront i would have never participated), to allow players to start on whatever level they want, knowing that new users who finish new levels receive more purple stars and have easier levels, than those that are way ahead on the game itself and have their dificulty raised by at least 300/400%...lack of respect for the older players.

    Also to use AI algorithm in the knockout stages to force u to spend more money than u allready had, and then allow all the chea.ters to take a hit on the app as they pleased without immediate consequences, and only "supposedley" eliminate them in the final knockout round...its a this point is not the players who will have to prove this happened, it will be king who will have to prove it hasen't.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?