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Build a Bot boosters available for previous levels



  • Webbgirl49
    Webbgirl49 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Any suggestions for a new game to go to?

  • Somegirl
    Somegirl Posts: 122

    It’s just as easy to delete a game than worry this much about it.

  • Smiles8
    Smiles8 Posts: 13

    Level 2

    Some other posters have recommended Charm King, Fishdom, and Cookie Jam. I haven't had a chance to try them yet but I guess I will.

    So sad abt Candy Crush. I bet they are trying to recoup the money they lost on the TV version that bombed. But they've killed the fun for me.

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,929

    @Webbgirl49 and @louiseT - you might try Fishdom. It has some similarities but you are playing to stock your fishbowls with fish and decorations.

    As afar as a King game - I used to enjoy Farm heroes but stopped playing when I really got hooked on Candy Crush Saga.

  • annmarie00
    annmarie00 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Just deleted my game. Hope you all get resolution. Hugs Ann Mariexxxx

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,929

    @Cezdiamond - thank you for the update. I appreciate the information even if it isn’t the outcome I was hoping for. However I find it fascinating that the old build a bot and space dash etc. we’re supposedly a glitch because we had them for years!!! Seems like someone would have discovered it and changed it before now. Oh well.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    @Carol_Martins I am numbed out about all of this. I fear coming here to read messages for fear that I will be *stoned* even though I had no say in their decision. I am upset and discouraged, like you, but @heehawrules wrote a lengthy message and I value his/her opinion (sorry with these nicknames I have no clue about the gender). @Dorn if you are still reading the messages here, you tried and everyone here tried. I am really numbed out and I just don't have answers anymore. I don't even know what to say. I am feeling discouraged with all my games today. They are getting harder and harder to clear the levels. Maybe I should walk away from all my games this weekend. Withdrawal? Sure it would be tough but I am really and truly going to consider not playing, even if it's for a few hours here and there all weekend.

  • pvalla2
    pvalla2 Posts: 50

    Level 3

    King, after reading through the comments the last couple of weeks, I think all the feedback boils down to this.

    1.       From a customer experience standpoint, no one likes a change to the game to all of a sudden appear. And it doesn’t seem to matter if the player feels it’s a ‘good’ change or a ‘bad’ change. Currently, King makes a change, then suddenly you have messages flying around trying to determine if the impact is player specific or generic to all players.  You need to be more transparent about changes you make to the game and be proactive in notifying players prior to their game being impacted. 

    2.      You seem to include a player in your beta testing and don’t ask them in advance if they would like to participate.  I think you need to create a group of players who are willing to participate in beta testing for changes. These players need to be at various levels-low, middle, high.  Again, be transparent, tell the testers what you are doing, why and expected results. Then listen to what these players tell you and proceed accordingly.   Allow a player to opt out of beta testing. Make it worth a tester’s time by awarding boosters or bars. 

    3.      Any change to the game needs to be implemented for ALL players. Having players experience different levels of change is confusing, frustrating and, especially if the change is perceived by the players as being negative, creates a feeling of unfairness and/or bias to high level players.

    4.      Your  customers play these games for fun. When you make a change to the game that impacts your customer’s enjoyment for playing the games, then not only do you have players leaving, but also telling other players about their negative experiences. Reading through the comments on the build a bot issue, just about every other comment mentions “King is not responding”, “King doesn’t care”. I know that there were a couple of responses from someone working at King (Cezdiamond) , but these responses were not particularly timely  nor informative.

    5.      Finally, I get that King is in the gaming business to make money. Most players are willing to spend money to play your games, to the tune of over $4 million daily.  And that’s fine. Well done you. However, when you start  off allowing a player to purchase x number of boosters/bars for a specific price, then abruptly change it so that players get half the boosters/bars for the same price, it just makes you look greedy and uncaring of player experience. Not a good marketing ploy.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Hi @pvalla2 you make a lot of very good valid points in your message!

  • Somegirl
    Somegirl Posts: 122

    @Cezdiamond will you still be reporting the outcry of build a bot to the studio even if they have made a decision? They need to know how upset players are over this.

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