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  • Pete_Lashmar
    Pete_Lashmar Posts: 51

    Level 3

    The build a bot becomes a complete con in higher levels - some levels you can't use it, yet they take it away if you lose. If you can't use built a bot on a level they shouldn't be able to take it away if you lose that level. BIG CON!
  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617
    edited April 2019

    Hello Pete!

    This thread was created way back in February. I was in the fog when I was playing the Build-A-Bot Challenge back then. Being new to the Challenge, I relied on Build-A-Bot Graphics at the end of every level I played and based my conclusions from there. With no Blogs or write-ups to find anywhere online about this new challenge, I doubted King's intentions which is a normal reaction of a person who is frustrated. Since this was an Old Posting, I have no way of "righting the wrong" by Editing the original thread. All I can do is to give anyone who comments on this thread my honest current position on Build-A-Bot Challenge.

    As I have mentioned in my yesterdays comments here and in other threads, the Build-A Bot Challenge has leveled the Playing Field for those Non-Paying & Paying to Play Players. Based on some of the insiders comments, King is doing some tests which is the reason why players don't have uniform Booster Giving Events. In my opinion, please don't quote me on this, it could have been put in place to see how many among us Players are really skilled in completing each level and how many are dependent on Artificial Skills. If his intention is to extort money from previous Paying To Play Players, why is he throwing a lot of Booster Giving Events?

    I know a lot of paying and non-paying dedicated players are having difficulties moving up. You have to understand, every popular games in the Gaming World has to improve their version, otherwise they become Extinct or a Thing of the Past. Do we really want this to happen to the game that we love to play everyday?  

  • Pete_Lashmar
    Pete_Lashmar Posts: 51

    Level 3

    I understand what you are saying @mercerik, however I feel very strongly that if you have build a bot (however full) and you are on a level in which the bot cannot be used, it's completely wrong to lose a piece of the bot that you haven't been able to use in the first place. I'm all for levels with no boosters, but they shouldn't take something away when you haven't been able to use it in the first place.
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,927
    @Pete_Lashmar - if I understand you correctly, you lost part of your bot when on an old level.  You definitely shouldn't lose any of your bot on old levels.  I never have.  However - on those few (at least so far) new levels where you can't  use the bot or boosters, I have a feeling that if you lose one of those levels you will indeed lose part of your bot, even though you couldn't use it for that level since it is a 'new' level - whether that's fair or not.  Maybe a Superstar or Community Manager can confirm for sure.
  • Pete_Lashmar
    Pete_Lashmar Posts: 51

    Level 3

    @bearwithme - yes, I was talking about the new levels where you cannot use boosters, you can't use the bot therefore you shouldn't lose part of it on them.
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,927
    @Pete_Lashmar - I agree it doesn't seem fair since they aren't letting you use the bot even though it is a new level, but as you have seen - there are some things about the game that don't make sense and/or don't seem fair.  We can complain and request they change it - but I somehow doubt they will (I could be wrong - hope springs eternal).
  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617
    I understand what you are saying @mercerik, however I feel very strongly that if you have build a bot (however full) and you are on a level in which the bot cannot be used, it's completely wrong to lose a piece of the bot that you haven't been able to use in the first place. I'm all for levels with no boosters, but they shouldn't take something away when you haven't been able to use it in the first place.

    It is not wrong! This is just how this Challenge goes. If you want to be in the competition and you know that only new levels are honored, why go back to the old levels? As I explained on previous page, when you beat a Level and accumulate your Boosters, you won't see them till you continue to the next level. Going back to the old levels might forfeit your chance of using those Boosters. You have to understand that this is a Moving Forward Game. If you insist on doing what you want and not going with the Game Rules, then there is no reason for you to complain.
  • Pete_Lashmar
    Pete_Lashmar Posts: 51

    Level 3

    @mercerik I'm not talking about old levels, I'm talking about new ones that don't allow any boosters to be used, including the bot - but lose the level and it takes a part of the bot away - that is wrong if you haven't been able to use it in my opinion.
  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617
    edited April 2019

    Hi Pete!

    Thanks for clarifying that! Can you send us the ScreenShot of the game that you lost because you were unable to use the Boosters that you supposedly got after winning the level before so it can be fixed?

    Thanks again!

  • Pete_Lashmar
    Pete_Lashmar Posts: 51

    Level 3

    @mercerik Thanks for the offer of assistance, I've now deleted the game off my PC but the levels I was talking about are the new higher levels that don't offer you any boosters to use (or the bot), I think there were four (maybe five) levels that introduced this.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?