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Sugar Drops in Candy Crush Saga - Information and feedback



  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617
    edited November 2019
    Sugar Track

    Sugar Track in the Wheel Of Power-Ups is a new feature that lets you track your
    Progress on how much Sugar Drops you've accumulated. Since this came out,
    Sugar Drops no longer appear in the Pre-Play Section of the Game.
    The new feature works like the Old Sugar Drops. You get rewarded
    once you've accumulated or filled each buckets as you play along.
    The nice thing about this new Sugar Track Sugar Drops feature is
    you have control of when you want to claim your rewards. You
    can claim the rewards individually or you can accumulate
    them till all the 5 buckets are full.
    Hope this helps!

  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376
    ^ For a second I thought the new method of sugar drops meant the old storeable rewards were back.
    Nope. I did a test and every single reward from the chests was a timed booster. 15 minutes, 45 minutes. Not even a gold bar or hammer like before. This new Sugar Track is even worse than before.

    Back to collecting my sugar drops/boosters on for the time being for me.
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,927
    Thank you for sharing the information @mercerik and @Deryck!  This is just a test and has not been made a permanent feature.  Obviously you both are part of the test group.  I am not in that group and based upon what you have said @Deryck - I am glad I am not .  I agree that being able to control when you use the timed boosters  (at least until the chests are full), however the studios are still pushing timed boosters.  If people do not like timed boosters - they need to continue to let their voices be heard - because it is becoming pretty clear that the studio definitely does like the idea of timed boosters (based upon the changes I have seen in the game.
  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376
    @bearwithme Oh wow, it didn't even occur to me it was a test feature since I thought everyone got it. Now I'll have to sacrifice and do another test to take a shot of all the chests opening at once. :(:) 2 emotions at once, oh boy.. the things I do for this community.. :)
  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617
    edited November 2019
    Deryck said:
    ^ For a second I thought the new method of sugar drops meant the old storeable rewards were back.
    Nope. I did a test and every single reward from the chests was a timed booster. 15 minutes, 45 minutes. Not even a gold bar or hammer like before. This new Sugar Track is even worse than before.

    Back to collecting my sugar drops/boosters on for the time being for me.
    Hi there @Deryck !  Hi there @bearwithme !  

    Whether it is the old or the New Sugar Drops System, it doesn't make a difference to me. I don't think it is worse than before. Instead of looking at it within the game, a player can now look it up and collect the rewards thru the Wheel Of Power-Ups in the Game Map. As far as the rewards, I have to work around the Timed Boosters so they don't get wasted. I think I mentioned previously that the rewards can be partially or wholly claimed which is nice. Let's give King Games credit when credit is due! 👏
  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376
    @mercerik Yeah, I was only referring to the rewards themselves being worse than before. I do agree it's nice you and I can now see and claim rewards when we wish. But I think those standard timed boosters are useless without any hammers, hands, or gold bars being among them. In my case the chests only contained timed color bombs, striped/wrapped, lucky candy, fish, and coconut wheels - and I rarely use those boosters in their standard form to begin with! lol
  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617
    Deryck said:
    @mercerik Yeah, I was only referring to the rewards themselves being worse than before. I do agree it's nice you and I can now see and claim rewards when we wish. But I think those standard timed boosters are useless without any hammers, hands, or gold bars being among them. In my case the chests only contained timed color bombs, striped/wrapped, lucky candy, fish, and coconut wheels - and I rarely use those boosters in their standard form to begin with! lol

    I know that the Sugar Track Chests have different varieties of boosters which includes 1 or 2 Gold Bars, 1 Hand Switch and 1 Lollipop Hammer aside from the Color Bombs, Striped & Wrapped Candies, Fish and Coconut Wheels. I have to go back to my recordings. Unfortunately, I am quite busy with the holiday just around the corner. The upcoming changes on YouTube at the beginning of the year is pretty much getting me occupied with what I need to do. I tell you, I am not happy with the Coconut Wheels since they only appear in few levels. I find some of the fish to be dumb in some levels, making them useless because they always end up nipping the wrong items. 
  • Kazza-3
    Kazza-3 Posts: 232
    I’m part of this test group as well, and I guess it’s slightly better to be able to claim them when I want to, but it doesn’t change the fact that I still get mostly timed boosters. I haven’t seen a gold bar in months, and almost never see a switch.
    My main issues with the timed boosters are still the same.
    Most of the time I get boosters that don’t help on the level I’m on, they are for 2 or 3 levels on. At the higher levels it often takes me more than 15-30 min to move on so they are wasted. 
    When you get a timed fish, wheel or tick booster, it gives you only one at the start. And given the nature of some levels I end up being forced to use it early on when it isn’t very helpful. If you select these boosters yourself you (usually) get more dropping as you play; this doesn’t happen with the timed ones.
    I’m pretty resigned to the fact that timed boosters are here to stay. It’s been 6 months, & despite tremendous outcry here & elsewhere they are still here. 
    If they won’t change them back I wish they would give us a more even split of timed & regular boosters, like 50/50. And remove them from the treat calendar - those are often wasted because of when they pop up.

  • TURK1412
    TURK1412 Posts: 14

    Level 2

    I don't like the changes at all. It causes extra clicks to find out what the old way used to tell us at a glance.
  • egabriel51
    egabriel51 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    The rewards for sugar drops used to be better. It seems that the game designers are just trying to get more money out of players. 
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