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No longer able to exit an unstarted board without losing lives - Information and feedback



  • Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I joined this forum for the same reason as others. I thought something was wrong with the settings when I couldn't back out and reset the game. Wow! This is unbelievable! I'm finally on level 4000+ after years of playing due to luck, perseverance, persistence and strategy! Higher levels are not easy at all, even the ones not labeled hard are more difficult now. If I can't back out and reset board when it's a crappy one and not helpful to my strategy, I may as well consider quitting. This backing out strategy at least gave one hope and motivation that the level would eventually be passed, now this is very upsetting and depressing to me. I have been addicted to Candy Crush as long as I can remember, and proud of my progress at 60 years of age! I'll stop playing like others said,  except for the daily spinning the wheel, to see if this "Scrooge gift fix" will be reverted back. If not, my addiction will be cured and I'll go back to reading and doing other projects that need to be done! 😾😣😠😞
  • Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Suddenly I lose a life if I restart the game?  Goodbye King, been nice playing. There are other games. 
  • and this was SIX YEARS AGO
  • Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited December 2019
    I too have joined the forum upon opening the app today and was befuddled to why I could no longer reset the board. Considering I’ve been playing this game for about 6 years and on currently on level 3745, I was slightly confused as to why. It now looks like I will never get past level 3745 because I will never play this game again until this issue goes back to the way it has always been. I will hold out hope this is changed back but if it isn’t I will be deleting CandyCrush and any other King apps that may be on my devices on 1/1/20. Always a good idea to piss off your most loyal players, always a sound business strategy. 
  • Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I fear that you may have shot yourselves in the foot dear King!!!!  Who in their right mind would pay money for boosters when they have no control over where those boosters may be placed.  E.g. What good does it do to use a coconut wheel only to have it placed in some unusable spot - if you back out you lose a life and a coconut wheel.  I’m up to level 5474, so have been playing for quite a while but I think you will be losing players in droves and I think I shall be one of them.
  • Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Escape the stress of today....yeah, not so much anymore. This game has added to my frustration.  What a bizarre way to treat your loyal players and who would recommend this game anymore?  What a disappointment. 

    I've noticed that more and more good things are being taken away with nothing to replace it.  What good is winning a coconut wheel for 45 minutes going to do me if I'm stuck on a level for 4 days that doesn't even give me the option to use the coconut wheel (or whatever booster)?  Now, I can't even back out of a bad beginning configuration without losing a life and even a booster (if I selected one)?  

    How about this idea:  Just set us all to 20 lives instead of 5.  C'mon, at least give us a sporting chance to play the game!  Trust in this company has been broken.  
  • Posts: 11

    Level 2

    I don't think they will care unfortunately.
  • Posts: 3

    Level 1

    King, why should a long time player spend any money on boosters if we have no guarantee that they won’t be wasted on an impossible layout or that the booster won’t be placed in an impossible to utilize spot?
  • ckla said:
    King, why should a long time player spend any money on boosters if we have no guarantee that they won’t be wasted on an impossible layout or that the booster won’t be placed in an impossible to utilize spot?
    What you meant to say is, why should anyone spend any money on any virtual goods period?  Especially on something such as this where the rules are subject to change at any given moment.  

  • Posts: 8

    Level 2

    Do you even play your own game? Do you understand that there's no point using boosters if you can't work with them strategically?
    I'm at level 5430, you're welcome to show me how to finish this level with no booster, alternatively with boosters placed at ridiculously positions.
    Because my experience is that there's no chance to make this level with no booster due to, to few moves. And there's no chance to make this level with boosters placed too far away from each other to make, for This level, a necessary combo.

    Please let me know when you're done, and how many lives/weeks /boosters it took.. 
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