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No longer able to exit an unstarted board without losing lives - Information and feedback



  • Posts: 37,544
    mercerik said:
    If you are not a fan, you won't appreciate it. J J Abrams did a good job with this Episode. I am sure it would have been better if George Lucas did not sell the rights to Disney. I wish Disney continued the Saga with Rey and Ben as lead roles. There was a little bit of a tearjerker towards the end when Rey almost died and Ben tried to save her and died in the process. I am sad that it is over.

    I have Star Wars Episode 1 - 6 Collections in Blu-Ray; I've seen Episode 7 The Force Awakens twice; I have Episode 8 The Last Jedi in Digital Version in my Desktop, seen it several times; and of course have seen this last one Episode 9 The Rise of Skywalker in theater with my son. I might see it again on Amazon Prime.
    I loved the series but haven’t seen the last one yet.  How did they handle Carrie Fisher’s death in the movie?
  • Posts: 3,617
    Elsa said:
    I am not going to spoil it for you. You'll have to watch it and tell me what you think.
  • What is a superstar?
  • Many apply, few are chosen... ✌😎
  • Posts: 187
    edited January 2020

    I won't be reading replies or  commenting again so please feel free to ignore me.
    This kind of grand posturing only looks good if you subsequently really do not comment again. **EDIT: Offensive**

  • Posts: 187
    edited January 2020

    I won't be reading replies or  commenting again so please feel free to ignore me.
    This kind of grand posturing only looks good if you subsequently really do not comment again. Otherwise it just makes you look like a pathetic tool.

  • quote:
    Carrie Fisher...
    Then her mother (Debbie Reynolds) left on the very next day.
    Awfully cruel timing for the next of kin.
    BTW, ya gotta love gag orders.
  • Posts: 43

    Level 3

    @Lynette, @firebombmarkus, @Elsa, @Chicken_Slayer, @Pounawea

    I appreciate the sudden interest in this thread all of a sudden (still waiting for @Pounawea however).  How can all of you be upset with us when we have not heard from CM or the Studio in about 6 weeks?  The bottom line is that we were told that a response would be on the way, and that has yet to occur.  Not even a common courtesy to check in about any update.  

    I agree that there have been some negative comments here but if you truly go through these 119 pages almost all are geared toward the frustration of this game.  The “fix” was just icing on top of the cake.  

    I am not sure what you’re agenda is but we should not keep widening the gap in whatever this rift is between the Community.  The point is that this game is no longer fun since the “fix” was implemented, and I believe the majority in here would agree (even if we are a small group out 9.2 million users! 🤨). 

    In the meantime, let’s try working together again and see if we can get some kind of response from CM instead of picking fights all the time.  This discussion has gone on for way too long without any response from CM.  The decision about the “fix” was reversed once before, so maybe it can happen again....
  • Posts: 3

    Level 1

    How about fixing the issue of not receiving our free lives from friends! 
This discussion has been closed.