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No longer able to exit an unstarted board without losing lives - Information and feedback



  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Hey @TurboTim66, thanks for your response.  I would like to suggest something to you and only to you and truly to you.  I want to prove to you that there is a half full glass out there.

    Instead of:
    You've been had people. Put up. Shut up. And move on. King DO NOT CARE!

    how about:
    I don't feel that I've been had.  I feel frustrated that this is something that I enjoyed doing but now it's gone.  I plan on moving on and hope that all my new found friends here in the community can move on with me.  It's not that King doesn't care, it's that I am so addic .....ed and I don't like change!  

    Doesn't that sound better?  You might not agree with me but I am not going to develop heart problems or stomach problems because of a change.  Been there, done that and now coming out the other side. 

    Group therapy will be starting in an hour.  Please invite your friends to join us!

  • Jane422 said:
    How about fixing the issue of not receiving our free lives from friends! 
    Hi Jane... I took your question to the support team, as I've seen it a few times and wanted to know if it was explainable. It is and it isn't, lol. I'm gong to paste in what I was told, but it only mentions PC gaming. I've replied and asked about mobile devices and will tell you what is said about that if it's what you're using to play.
    Here is a copy of what I was told to go drip try to fix it in your own. Hope it works!!!


    Thank you for your reply.

    I'm sorry to hear there have been issues with sending and receiving lives, this is due to Facebook.

    Our Game Studios have been extensively investigating this matter over the last few months. It's become apparent that due to the sheer volume of messages being sent globally, technical limitations may result in some messages dropping on occasion.  I appreciate the frustrations this causes but you may want to try resending the requests to those particular friends again.

    If you and your friends aren't receiving any messages at all, then keep reading:

    The first thing to look at is deactivating notifications from the game to your Facebook profile. This means that you won't see them on your Facebook profile but it ensures that they are collected by the game. Many players have stated that this helps enormously, so it's worth trying:

    1. On a PC open your Facebook account. Now click the down-arrow in the top-right corner of Facebook and click 'Settings.' Then select 'Notifications' from the menu on the left.
    2. Click on "On Facebook" to display the next menu.
    3. Next to App requests and activity, click 'Edit.'
    4. Scroll down to the game you're playing, click to select notifications On or Off.

    Alternatively when you receive the notification in Facebook that a friend has sent you a life, don't open the message. Instead exit Facebook, open the game and the message should now be ready and waiting for you there. By opening the message in Facebook the notification seems to be considered as 'read' and is then not delivered to the game.

    Another option is to play connected to our Kingdom where a wealth of active players are eagerly awaiting you. Simply log out of Facebook in the game and click the orange Kingdom logo. Create an account using your email address, add a password and choose an image and name for your avatar. Then simply get back to the fun! As the Kingdom is full of active players messages seem to arrive with much more frequency and reliability.

    I hope that this hasn't caused you too much inconvenience or impacted your enjoyment of the game.  In case you aren't aware, you can choose to wait just 30 minutes for your lives to renew automatically
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    @JethrinaBodina what was told about Facebook is true.  We have now had 3 Facebook glitches in the last year.  It's the lives issue of sending/receiving lives when playing through Facebook.  I haven't played through Facebook since I heard about their glitches.  they take forever to fix!  I only play all my games through King so you and everyone else might want to try it instead of Facebook.  You do get friends sending lives but they are randomly chosen for you.  So it's your choice, play on Facebook knowing that it's your Facebook friends but you may never get the lives.  Or ....... play through King and never have issues with lives.  Maybe I shouldn't say never.  Might never have issues with lives.
  • TurboTim66
    TurboTim66 Posts: 51

    Level 3

    Maybe it reads harsher than it was written. Love what you're saying, but I respectfully disagree with absolutely no malice or anger- in so far as I spent money. I spent many HOURS of my life dedicated to this. I gave and gave of myself for them - for many years. I contributed to their success.

    And they took it all away - step by step by step to make even more money than the multiple millions they were already making. Greed personified.

    Capping it off by removing resets - the ONLY real skill element the game had, and therefore removing any enjoyment and reducing this to a game of complete & utter chance, that they dictate by the initial candy drops. Whereby you lose lives and boosters, replaced only by spending money if you only have certain time frames to play this in.

    These people would market nicotine lollies to children. And not lose sleep over it.

    Every cloud does have a silver lining Elsa, you are so right. Game wise I'm just playing more PS4 now which leaves this for dead anyway!! I'm really not missing Candy Crush - and it took less than a month after 6 years of every day addiction, playing multiple times every day.

    And I have so much more time and money now, happy days all round. But I will call them out for this, if only others acted like they spoke, maybe King would listen.

    Meanwhile - life is so much bigger and way too busy now for me to care if they change it back or not. If they do, I will play again. If they don't - I won't miss it!!

    Take care Elsa xx
    PS. 8.45pm. After my bedtime LoLoL
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    edited January 2020

    Once upon a time ……………………………………

    In the King community, a message arose from out of sight. 

    What have we here? 

    A fairly new manager of the King family posted a message saying that a specific glitch in the game was noted by the studio and it was never intended to be that way.  So, they corrected it.  This was not well accepted by the game players.  They were frustrated with the change and it’s understandable why.  People don’t like change!  They like status quo.   

    The messages started building up.  Anger was expressed and lots of it too.  This fairly new manager took this thread back to the studio asking if anything could be done about it.  He sympathized with the players and tried in the best way possible to make them aware that it was never intended to be that way because it represented an exploit. 

    To make a long story of 100+pages short, the anger was spewn with venom into the message over and over and over again.  Threats were made and social media was informed.  On and on and on.  And the players still waited to get word if the studio was going to reverse this.

    Whether it ever gets reversed or not, Tiffi and I were talking this morning.  We both came to the conclusion that life goes on.  Things change.  Families grow up.  Bills sometimes get paid.  Friends come and go.  Yet this message still lingers waiting for answers.

    Today I want to make you all aware that we are going to be starting group therapy for those who are addic……ed.  There is no fee to join in.  All that we request is that you respect each other and follow the rules. 

    Therapy will begin shortly.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Maybe it reads harsher than it was written. Love what you're saying, but I respectfully disagree with absolutely no malice or anger- in so far as I spent money. I spent many HOURS of my life dedicated to this. I gave and gave of myself for them - for many years. I contributed to their success.

    And they took it all away - step by step by step to make even more money than the multiple millions they were already making. Greed personified.

    Capping it off by removing resets - the ONLY real skill element the game had, and therefore removing any enjoyment and reducing this to a game of complete & utter chance, that they dictate by the initial candy drops. Whereby you lose lives and boosters, replaced only by spending money if you only have certain time frames to play this in.

    These people would market nicotine lollies to children. And not lose sleep over it.

    Every cloud does have a silver lining Elsa, you are so right. Game wise I'm just playing more PS4 now which leaves this for dead anyway!! I'm really not missing Candy Crush - and it took less than a month after 6 years of every day addiction, playing multiple times every day.

    And I have so much more time and money now, happy days all round. But I will call them out for this, if only others acted like they spoke, maybe King would listen.

    Meanwhile - life is so much bigger and way too busy now for me to care if they change it back or not. If they do, I will play again. If they don't - I won't miss it!!

    Take care Elsa xx
    PS. 8.45pm. After my bedtime LoLoL

    This is what you guys don't understand.  I have spent money on this game too but I don't carry the anger and repeat "King is greedy".  Sure I'd love to have the money that they make but would it make me a better person? 

    I honestly and truly respect some of the messages here.  @TurboTim66, I wrote you in private with some thoughts that I have on this and you respected what I said.  Thank you! 

    That is totally wonderful that you now have more money to spend.  So what are you going to buy?  Huh? What?  Something good.  Treat yourself!  You only go through life once.  It's really neat that I have crossed paths with you. 

  • Thanks for answering my question about what is a superstar.

    You say that sometimes you can see a glitch by the number of messages coming in. I am not sure about that in all cases. Some glitches people keep preciously to themselves, because it gives them a definite advantages in the game, and they don't want King to find about it in fear they will fix it.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Thanks for answering my question about what is a superstar.

    You say that sometimes you can see a glitch by the number of messages coming in. I am not sure about that in all cases. Some glitches people keep preciously to themselves, because it gives them a definite advantages in the game, and they don't want King to find about it in fear they will fix it.

    Hi @Eddie_Sparrow I want to share exactly what you said with a couple of players messages that I have responded to.   I was totally surprised to see a message posted by a player showing me a print screen of their backpack and you can't even begin to imagine how many thousands of boosters he had.  It was a positive glitch for him.  I asked him if he'd like to share his stash with me.  So players can write about the opposite but, of course, not often.  Not too long after that another player posted a message with her print screen showing the same glitch.  But she was totally upset and wanted them all gone.  Again I asked if she'd like to share them with me.  She wanted a fix to get rid of them.

    Now granted, that doesn't hit the community as often as the bad glitches but I've seen it all!  I wish I could have saved their print screen to show you. 
  • Another stupid change from King. Now we don't get the full message in email anymore. We only get a handful lines.

    In a way it's practical. Because we would spend less time reading, but I preferred to get the full message as before and decide for myself what I want to skip or read further.

    Now it's not possible because that would require a lot of time scanning through the mass of message to find the one you want details on, and I am not going to invest that kind of time unless it contains useful tips to play the game.
  • I think I suffer from the latest "improvement" from King too: that I don't receive lives from friends anymore.

    I used to receive a lot of lives as gifts, now not even one anymore. That is not normal.
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