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Life requests stay in mailbox/ Lives do not get sent or received



  • babzie
    babzie Posts: 4

    Level 1

    How do I get the lives to go into , my account? When I accept them they get a check mark but never go into my account. What can I do ? Or what can you do to fix this problem?

  • janineallen
    janineallen Posts: 6

    Level 2

    I’m playing on my iPhone.. I’m not sure what you mean about game history. I know this is happening to my friends as well.

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,928

    Hello @babzie and welcome to the King Community! This has been an ongoing issue but a solution has been found.

    Please make sure to update the app to the version 1.71 that just was released in Google Play on Android devices. The update is on the way to all other devices, so stay tuned!

    Check here if you need help with updating the app.

    If you play on Facebook or via the Windows app on a computer the game updates automatically. However, if you keep experiencing this issue on these platforms, then clear the cache and cookies on your browser if you play on Facebook. On Windows 10, please make sure the automatic updates for apps are enabled.

  • babzie
    babzie Posts: 4

    Level 1

    So how do I update the app? Delete it then download again?

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,928

    Hello @janineallen - this actually has been identified as a problem - but the studio now has a solution.

    Please make sure to update the app to the version 1.71 that just was released in Google Play on Android devices. The update is on the way to all other devices, so stay tuned!

    Check here if you need help with updating the app.

    If you play on Facebook or via the Windows app on a computer the game updates automatically. However, if you keep experiencing this issue on these platforms, then clear the cache and cookies on your browser if you play on Facebook. On Windows 10, please make sure the automatic updates for apps are enabled.

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,928

    No @babzie you do not want to delete and reinstall the app. That will cause you to lose all your saved boosters and lives. What platform are you playing on?

  • babzie
    babzie Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I am playing on my iPad

  • KimberlyJackson
    KimberlyJackson Posts: 0


    I have installed and unistalled the game multiple times and still get over 10 messages to 30 messages multiple times a day that people need lives. Its annoying cause I barely get lives sent to me and all I ever get is people needing lives but it has to be a glitch cause my husband sends me requests 24/7 and he isn't on his phone. This all just started last week. Please help and fix

  • chance101
    chance101 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Hi everyone,thanks for excepting me.


  • fawnqueen
    fawnqueen Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I get lives in my inbox from friends,I click on the accept button but I don't get the lives. 20 lives I've not gotten,am I going to get the lives I'm owed.

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