Connected accounts
Nothing so far doesen't solved my problem. When I log in through facebook everything it's OK.But when I log in through King account it happened this. Pictures 1 and 2 show how it look when I log in with my account. Pictures 3 and 4 show how it look when my cousin log in. As anyone can see there is two different accounts…
Connecting accounts
Well something happened and now me and my cousin are on same level. When she plays she plays under my nick name and I play under hers
Connecting accounts
I already write about this problem day ago and I'm not sure if anyone will help me about this problem. I received some answers which doesen't solved my problem. So i still waiting.
Striped candy challange
Challenge is over, but no reward. It says something like collecting results, please wait. Maybe I didn't ended challange among first three. In my game I did. But like I say I still waiting so I can't tell.
Level 2023
Almost 10 days I play this level on PC and finally I passed this level. Now when this level is available on cell phones and tablets (at least Android ones) this level is not even close to the level on PC.
level reset
My Candy Crush Saga game accidently advanced to level 1029. My level should be 531. I don't play this game through facebook. I have a facebook account and since the only way to sign up here is through facebook I use it to ask question. Nick name which I use to play this game in kingdom is legalega and e-mail address is…
Sending extra 3 moves
I noticed that I can send extra 3 moves to my other friends. Usually I send it, but I'm pretty sure that is more than a useful. All those friends are stucked on some level. I said useless because those friends actually don't play anymore and that's reason why they stuck somewhere. Every time I hit "Play with friends" same…