Buddies not working
I'm wondering if anyone else is having the same problem. This has been going on for a while now. It's also slow to log into the app??? Any ideas anyone??? Thanks
What is going on with the Candy. rush Soda Saga store?
I have been unable to access the Candy Crush Soda Saga store for 2 weeks. I don’t want to lose my progress but I am extremely frustrated. When is this going to be fixed?
Where is my Home Screen button please?
I have just opened the app after a few months and as you can see I have no Home Screen button and I think a couple of others missing. Is this a new update issue because my app is totally up to date and so is my phone (iPhone)
Missed day
Why does it say I missed a day and it is still the same day I need to play. Does Soda Crush use a different clock? I would think and day would start and end by the time on my clock.
I'm not receiving ads for moves
I have not been able to see ads for 3 to 4 weeks now. I used to watch ads for moves before a game and after a game. I cleared cache, checked storage and reinstalled the app. nothing changed. Any idea what I can do to get these ads back?
Wo ist denn Kimmy's Spielhalle hin??? Haben alle keine mehr,oder nur für bestimmte Level?
No me salen anuncios nunca, por que??
A mis amigos y a mi madre les aparece la posibilidad de jugar viendo un anuncio o les regalan boosters... A mi no me sale nunca
how can I make the games fill the whole screen so everything is larger?
How can I make the games fill the whole screen so everything is larger?
Why is new cake coming soon when it is already being played by my friends ?
Why can’t I help bake a cake it just says coming soon
How do you get pass the red door that is opened
I have passed all the levels to red door. It is opened and the games are mastery levels and there is no more levels to go on with. I'm have finished game 15145. Why is it not continuing to 15146 and more. Wonderball is on hold waiting for more levels. Please help.