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Is Your Candy crush Soda game running fast?

Lady_Choo Posts: 26,394

Or as another player put it, on a sugar high? Running at what seems like double speed?

You might have noticed that it happened after the game last updated. Worry not, you have been specially selected as the studio are running another test. Its not a game fault its a game feature.

As with all testing features, the studio rely on you, the players, to give them feedback.

If you have the speedies can you comment here what you think about it please. Good or bad (just remember to be polite lol)  All feedback will be passed on from this thread to make it easier to collect it. 

Thank you :)

Best Answer

  • Cezdiamond
    Cezdiamond Posts: 6,497
    Answer ✓

    Hey all! To follow up on this, all of your comments have been passed on :-) Also must add I also do not love the bouncing! 

    Thank you all for this feedback! 




  • KandyKorf
    KandyKorf Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Having a sugar high is only fun for a short period of time. Maybe it would be cool to have special candies that would make the game fast/slow for a minute then return to normal. I like the slower speed, less bouncy game better. 

  • Sandra_Krebs
    Sandra_Krebs Posts: 12

    Level 2

    I do not like is way too "bouncy" .......Please fix!

    and in answer to your previous question on the other forum site.....I play on facebook ...I have windows eight because I hated 10 when it first came out (free installation) and now i have to pay to install. 

  • Tralfaz_Wizard
    Tralfaz_Wizard Posts: 14

    Level 1

    I also don't like it.  It will cause me to play the game (a really great game!) a lot less. I think as a play option it would be good. At least one person on the previous thread reported liking the speed increase (probably someone quite a bit younger than me).

  • JCLJorgenson
    JCLJorgenson Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I am not a fan of the turbo speed Candy Crush.  I like to play the game on my free time because I find it relaxing or therapeutic.  Now that it is going hyperspeed on me, it feels like "chaos" and becomes stressfull.  I will probably stop playing the game if they don't go back to normal speed.

    If some people prefer turbo, perhaps they can provide it as a game option in the settings?

  • Matt_Perotti
    Matt_Perotti Posts: 6

    Level 1

    No I do not like it at all...makes me feel anxious when I play it.  Will not play again until I'm taken out of this a/b test.   

  • Tralfaz_Wizard
    Tralfaz_Wizard Posts: 14

    Level 1

    Can the King personnel tell us how long this test is going to last? tia

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,394

    Hey Tralfaz Wizard, unfortunately not. The studios tend to work as they please it seems lol. They only seem to pass on information if requested and tend to keep everything else "inhouse" I think a lot depends on the data they get back too. I have known tests not last long and then some seem to last months if not years and then vanish never to be seen again. 

    I suspect in a case where a test is very unpopular and causing sight issues it wouldn't last as long as others but I don't know. I can ask the moderator tomorrow if she has any other info, but I do know she is monitoring this thread so if you can get any friends who play and who have an opinion about it either way, to post, the more the better :)

  • Tralfaz_Wizard
    Tralfaz_Wizard Posts: 14

    Level 1

    Thanks for the quick response CS.  Given the difficulty of some of the game levels, I have often suspected a substantial degree of sociopathy in the designers of the game. (On the other hand, if I were an ATVI stockholder, I would want them using all means available to get people to pay $ to complete levels.) This test, and its duration, will be interesting data points for that hypothesis.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,394

    I think they are just evil scientists and we are all being used as test subjects until we break because they are constantly finding new ways to torture us while keeping us playing -_-

    I know they have to find a balance as many people won't pay but obviously they want to earn more than candy lol. I think a skip level costing real money would be beneficial to both worlds really. They ought to test that ;)

  • sotxtigger
    sotxtigger Posts: 19

    Level 2

    This warped speed is horrible. It's very annoying, hurts the eyes and makes me anxious - not in a good way. No longer enjoyable to play the game. Now I need to go find some aspirin for this headache it has caused me.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?