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Soda Candy Crush screen will not rotate (This is intended)!



  • andre1234567
    andre1234567 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I agree. I play the game with keyboard and when I was playing it change orientation, the best I could do was flip it 180 degrees. Have you ever played the game on the side. This is an issue I have with king. I stopped playing 2 other games because of this. I sure it has to do with king because none of my other apps have this problem. I really like candy crush soda and don’t want to stop playing but this may force me to stop. I really mad and disappointed 
  • Angela_Carson
    Angela_Carson Posts: 23

    Level 3

    The same with my screen. The games will play horizontally but the map/ home screen will only show in portrait. It’s sending me dizzy!!
  • rmpmap
    rmpmap Posts: 23

    Level 3

    @Queenb im sorry this makes absolutely no sense.  You’ve all said you couldn’t replicate this on your devices so I believe this is just a reason to try and please your customers.  It’s a pain having to turn an iPad between screens. Worked fine. Now it doesn’t.  Not reinstalling.  We shouldn’t have to   Your software people need to fix this
  • KikKik
    KikKik Posts: 4

    Level 1

    @QueenB That just sounds like nonsense. It is badly affecting gameplay. I don't want to play portrait and it isn't just the map it's the level itself. I haven't seen Kimmy's arcade - and don't want portrait on my ipad. It flipped when I was playing without warning, I thought it was my own settings, but clearly it's upsetting a few people.
  • rmpmap
    rmpmap Posts: 23

    Level 3

    I have a sore neck from playing this game.  And what is Kimmys arcade?   I don’t have that
  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879
    @rmpmap Kimmy’s Arcade is a new feature to get boosters. I could try this last year November. You can read all about it here. 

  • kellykop
    kellykop Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Yes,it's definitely King!! I've been playing this game for couple years and this has never happened before....can't believe it's just "coincidence" that after game did an upgrade now no rotate screen!?! I also have stopped playing couple other games because of rotation issue and will most likely do the same with this one if King can't/ won't reverse this new addition....kind of unfortunate for King cuz I sadly spend too much $ on it. Guess in long run it's better for me if they don't fix it & I just quit!!! Lol
  • debonkka
    debonkka Posts: 1

    Level 1

    This was a terrible idea. Who wants to have to constantly turn their tablet to view. I realize that play mode is still landscape but why on earth would you do this. DUMBEST change ever. Please change back. May have to stop playing this one and spend no more money!
  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879
    Hi guys, we have a thread about this rotation here. Read all about it and give your feedback. Maybe things can be changed
  • rmpmap
    rmpmap Posts: 23

    Level 3

    I do not have kimmys arcade
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