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Disappearing Events & Extra features on W10! FIXED!



  • LizzyLemondrop
    LizzyLemondrop Posts: 824
    edited February 2020

    @QueenB I am having a big issue with these missing features. Yesterday was the last day of a Weekly Contest (ending in 2/23/2020), which I won. I had logged off the for dinner with 48 minutes remaining in the contest, and when I logged back on at 7:00 PM EST (the time the contest normally ends and prizes are given out to the top three players) my map was bugged and all the special features were missing. Mr Toffee's Fair, Soda Squad, Episode Race, Weekly Contest and Treasure Goblin were all missing, and the background of the map was incorrect. Therefore, I was not announced the winner of the Weekly Contest and I could not receive my prizes. I had tried re-launcing the game multiple times (I play on a PC with Windows 10), but no change. I took a screenshot of my current number of prizes, hoping that the following day (today) I could compare the numbers and see if I got the prizes overnight. Unfortunately, today I launched Soda Saga and there has been no change. All the special features are still missing, the map is still incorrect and I have not been announced the winner of the Weekly Contest to receive my prizes. I have re-lauched the game over and over for a half hour and nothing changes. I tried launching Soda Saga from Facebook and I was announced the winner on that platform. So, after that I tried re-launching Soda Saga through the windows app store as usual, but still I wasn't announced the winner nor did I receive my prizes. I am in a bind. I worry that because my game is bugged, if I play any new levels/episodes, eventually a new Weekly Contest will begin (starting today 2/24/2020) and I will never receive my prizes from winning last week's Weekly Contest. For coming in first place I was supposed to receive one of each of the following: 1. Lollipop Hammer, 1. Stripped Lollipop Hammer, 1. Free Switch, 1. Coloring Candy, 1. Double Fish and 1. Color Bomb. Below I have included images of my amount of boosters from last night and today so you can see that they have not changed since yesterday.

    P.S. For some odd reason, Facebook does not sinc correctly with my Windows App game. I have 5 Striped Candies, 54 Exploding Candies, 25 Color Bombs, 32 Coloring Candies and 22 Fish on my app, yet on Facebook it says I only have 3 or 4 of each Booster?

  • NhWendy
    NhWendy Posts: 35

    Level 3

    Since this is a Big Problem affecting so many players' game productivity and enjoyment, is it time to consult Stella from Bubble Witch? Maybe the solution is too difficult for mere mortals.

  • This has been going on since Friday night - time to get it fixed - I've updated and rebooted and nothing is working.

    We all can't be crazy

  • Pickles2737
    Pickles2737 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Similar issue here. I've lost Mr Toffee's Fair, Soda Squad, Episode Race, Weekly Contest and Treasure Goblin. Also, I was well in the lead for the Weekly Contest but didn't get credit. I'm on a PC, Windows 10. Not sure how to check the game version since I don't know how to "open the Store" as you requested. I love this game, but not loving this experience - especially how long it is taking to get answers and a fix.

  • NhWendy
    NhWendy Posts: 35

    Level 3

    Hi Pickles, I don't know how to open the store either. So I went to Settings; Apps I waited for CCSS to load. Advanced Options. It shows Ver #. Mine is

    Hope that helps you. I love this game, too. Wendy

  • tourmaline
    tourmaline Posts: 7

    Level 2


    Yes I have Windows 10 PC. I have the same problems which started a few days ago. I lost weekly leaderboard, race to the finish, weekly game prizes, everything.

    Please advise.

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879
    edited February 2020
  • So how long does it normally take to 'hear back from the Studio'? It appears it's all about the windows 10 version. I've pretty well stopped playing except the daily 'freebie' since I can't pick up any rewards or anything.

    MOONBUBBA Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Gotcha, I was definitely over thinking it! Now. What "map" am I taking a screen shot of? I'm probably overthinking too! :P

  • Mheckathor1
    Mheckathor1 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    When is this problem going to be fixed? It is ruining the game, everything is gone, nothing syncs right and it acts like I am disconnected when I am connected.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?