Update on the Bubblegum Hill
As my friend @aijaziqbal told you BTH is in the test group so we can't say for sure that you will always find this event in your game. Keep the game app updated and keep playing, I hope you find this event in your game very soon.
However I got another similar post from you and one post is enough for the same problem so I am closing this post.
Thank you.
I don't know of any "testing" that give new players the feature and not players who had played it before. Most of players who don't have BGH now never had any glitches with the BGH. We should have it by now in the name of "testing". I think there is something the studio is not telling us (CM included in us) . I know we are all players here. But the studio is not treating us the same. Why? Stop with "testing" excuse. I'm tired of it.