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Hello everyone!
@kmdanek and @Onitron81 , those are great suggestions. Thank you! But if you could put that in a long letter to your beloved Candy Crush Soda, what would you say?
Dear Candy Crush Soda
You the bubbles in my bottle, you've been faithful even though I have not. I haven't been around lately through circumstances out of my control, but I know you'll understand and wait for me. I'm missing your challenging nature, and the way you fill my day with all your colours. You unpredictable and sassy, you drive me crazy at times. But a love like ours is hard to come by in any lifetime, that's why I can't give you up. You always share your gummy bears with me, who else would do that! You are sweet, loyal and I'm so fickle yet you don't judge or shun me. Even though I've not been faithful & might never be...you always keep the door open for me!
Your unfaithful love
Dear Candy Crush Soda, I have been hanging out with you for years now and I have to say the last few month I have beaten you so many time it's getting old. It's time to pick yourself up and get your game boards on! I'm tired of seeing an orange cone at the end of the road! If you don't get it together soon I'm going to go back to Candy Crush Saga and never come back. Just saying. Your friend Lucy
It's last chance to tag!
Tagging active Candy Crush Soda Players into spoiler :
@040890 @1235Hardy @1509hk1547 @1Aj @274T3E @2easy @42320 @aalitay @AaronH @AaronMedina @abcdefg123456 @actipton80 @Adav @aguslicka @aijaziqbal @Aitch @AlainaHS @albski @ale_f @Alexandra_Tang @AllisonTravis @amber_dawn @Anahita_2005 @Andres-2 @Anniemcmanus @AnnoyanceDeZtruction @Annwat @Anny23 @Applejacs @arjankrijger2005 @ashleyr195 @aurther @Autofire @Bantino @Barry_Dean_Clark @batman27 @BaxiB @Beachgirl63 @beanrags @bearwithme @bekicrusher @bernie9090 @bernirc77 @berriers @betchiegrl29 @Beth_Mc_Hugh @bex12 @bflyrose1107 @biekeella @billjerry @bkychau @Bling182 @BlueberryCupcake @BooDTX @Bookster @BossQueenLiss80 @Boybinary @BQN537 @Bricorn @brownsugar2115 @bsabrina69 @BubbleGumSoda @Bucinka @bugs_burny @BulldogBob @buttbaby920 @c_j_w68 @caambuj @candycrushinit @carmen59 @Carol_Kero @Casey965 @CassD @Cats4Caz @Cece322 @CerbeRus777 @Chakra @Channi34 @CharmedCat @charlottelovegood @chillerben @chirag0406 @ChrisMiller @Chrismp @christina48198 @Claire_Colibri @clarey @Courtney1990 @crabapple @Crazy_cat_lady_1 @Crazyforfun @crisaniya @crushingsweets @cwsherwood @daniella82 @DaniTheOG @dannyalvaro @davidm61 @Dawnvanblommestein @daysgoby @ddow @deb0407 @deedles916 @deepakstha @DeepshikhaSharan @Deobella @DGenevieve @Di65 @DieOmimi @Ditte @dmorrison112 @DocCha @DoggieMason @DomJuam @Doppo @DoYourLaundry @dugglebb @DukeSR8 @dwiananda @dxxchocolate @dylan19 @Ecam @Eckmonmor @ejhawke @ejurjane @Elaine67 @eldutton @ElenaVorona @Elleni39 @Elsa @ElsaSuubi23541678910 @EnergizerBunny @EOTheGr8 @EppPHX @Erika0811 @Ernie545 @fabke @ffs @Filly_McBean @FOBET @fulizard @gasrenus @GayAdHd @gemazing @Geogat12 @george456 @Gingersnappyg @giorgos_mos @giotaki @Glenn1972 @GlenysB @Goldenswordz @gr33n3y3z @GrammaGaming @greddycandy @Greymane @Gylia @Hana_adamczak @happy1205 @Havish @heatherK1970 @hechicerilla @Hell66 @Hend1125 @Heshan_G @Hinoni @Honey_5708 @hopebbk @Iffu2 @istuff @itsbumby @JacalynCosta @jacinthe84 @JaclynAmes @james7777 @Jared_Buttry @jayteedy @Jelly_bean_hearts @jellyjean @jenniferhagenbuch48 @jennifritz @jess2901 @JessiBoop_87 @jlynnb23 @jodihunter05 @joelcarlsmith23 @johamilton @Johnny5salive @jojo75 @JordanX10 @joshua2c @js7902 @jverley420 @JuliannaMika @katarzsic @Kayleekay @KCullen127 @Kelutwo @kerbear409 @Kerrie @Kezabelle3 @kiara_wael @kikiray23 @KILLEY2 @Kim_Steel @Kjlyman1 @kris1982 @KristieJ @KTMac @kujo54 @kukajb @lacyleroy @lakiere @laley @LauGar @laydeebae @LeahK @Lemurtek @leshia @Lexi @lexlishious @LiL_Pixie @lindark @lindasin @lisab83 @Lizly62 @Lolley1982 @LoloBash51 @lotsakids @LuciLu8 @Lucy71 @LynnAnderson @maalik @Magic_Mixer @malikaleena @malloryp @Mamajoe420 @MandyP123 @marebear1264 @Mary8Moeeeee @MaryLuyo2020 @mattmahar8 @max12 @maxinegio @mcbrown @MCCB8885 @me6412 @megumspuds @MelissaMMDP @Mercedes_Diaz @Mery35 @Michael_Dyess @Milinka @MillaOfficial14 @mimi325 @mini8 @miss_monnie @MissHighflower @misspink78 @MissyLuvsB2020 @Mjo1986 @mzphitz @Moh1977 @MollyS @mommakk10 @MommaMary5 @monicasimoes2010 @Mookie2 @MountainMom @MrKizart @Mr_Peely @msgraca @na0218dajks @Nadia1770 @NahlaElhady @namal_butt_01 @Nanakyejames @nanalewis92 @nannewbct @nattychick1973 @natzbiz @ncoll19 @Neena_s @Nenikapaki @nessaann @nettieg @nguyenanhduy1591999 @nickwilliams @niecy76570 @Nikolaos_Prodromidis @Nix66 @njimenezhansen31 @Nubiaoliver @NuggyBoo @NurseKrista26 @OOOlena @Origins7_Dale @paco1234 @Palash_Sarma @pat1man @PattyMan @PatWay @paul5473 @Pcj @pdt1982 @peach1997r @pearlyc1p @peggyvereen @penken @pepe_le_pew @PGS210 @Pitty_Kitty @pjc73 @playgowomen18 @Poutsy @Precious0914 @prezy22 @Priesha @purple0822 @PurpleQuee @quad5 @QueebBee1970 @queenbee9214 @Rab123 @Racoon7 @Raerobbie @rajdeeptb @ranathunga @RayB3109 @RayvenL_ @rebelchild @renamifsud2 @rienepien @Rifka_Belkin @Riri2 @Roary2020 @RobinCorte @roscoe15 @rustylittles @S_u_n_s_h_i_n_e @S42S @Sab97150sxm @SabrinaM @Sadie1318 @SagaR @sandritis2 @SanthaSá @santo_chris97 @Saori @sarahmd @saralynd1986 @SaraVitaMoore @Sayo04 @SBH @Schatzbeatle @SEEILikeIT @SerenaCleveland @sgevony @shafer223 @shall2 @shannontulloh @ShaqKnox @Sharon_Loose @shelleyscnnei @Sherri_Bouknight @shuping17 @SidLock @simplyP @sipc @siti_payung @Sk1tZo_JuGGaLo @Skthmom4 @smidgesgirl @Soda_bottelet @Sofia1992 @Spieler_8675309 @Spinnifix @sredjent @Staceybich @Staceylou88 @starlighters101 @stickmandan @Sukanta_Biswas @SunnieB71 @supermomster2018 @Susie_Q1970 @suzekit @swabby @Tamesa48 @tamike000 @TanjaBoni @tashanight3 @Tasty_Cake @teresawallace44 @Terri_1 @tezradog @TheresaGrafton @Timhung @tininha1975 @Tleaf70 @tommie1986 @TomOlsonJr @tootsie86 @Toussaint73 @Tranic @TWalsh @Twi @Tzvi_Marcu @ultrad @unstoppablerad @upperlevel @Verna_Ellenson @Victoria24 @vstexas @VTyanky_69 @Vunke1987 @Warriorcatslover @Wen19 @Werner_Cichy @Whodeet1 @wwiii @wykoon @xray_sheri @Yaz_Milani @yogachik @Yorben_Goeree @Yorkiemom143
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I'm at 1164.
Just love this game..
We've known each other for a few years now,
Out of curiosity? Necessity? Or just destiny.
One certainty is that this meeting changed my life.
You were there when I was sad,
There when I was stressed for my exams,
There every time I had to take my mind off things.
Our relationship developed quickly, you went from entertainer to lifelong companion,
Not a day can go by without me navigating through your soda bottles or going to the rescue of bears trapped in ice or honey.
All like me broking your cookies, you also shattered all the excuses i found for not playing.
If the levels represented our common relationship, then our first argument would be when I lost my progress. I still remember it, it was like yesterday,
Youth? Ignorance? The fact is that it was my fault I admit it, I had not saved our adventure. However, we had started on a new basis, I accepted your help and overcame the challenges together.
We still have a long adventure ahead of us, days and weeks of wanting to win episodes, building cakes with friends and getting angry at not overcoming an obstacle.
While trying to discover your mysteries,
I lost myself in your fantastic world,
I am lucky to have met you.
Your faithful Athalie.
*Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
Hello @sufian1505 !
Please note that Soda community only supports English. Players come from all over the world and we can understand each other better this way 🤗
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