⚠️ Solved: All events, features and season disappeared
I'm having same problems on my android device. Monday morning is when all my teams, weekly race, pumpkin patch, all the extras gone. I won the pumpkin round and the weekly episode race and did not receive my rewards. After I updated the app this morning, and restarting the app and my phone. No issue is resolved except I can play past one life, it was completely freezing up after only playing one life. My soda ID is 1706182885
This is my issue beginning on 10-19. "We're currently having an ongoing issue where players' game is missing the Season Diorama, features (such as Rescue Buddies, 4-in-arow, etc), quests and more are disappearing. Essentially only the levels are left to play."
ID 5710039480
Yesterday while I was playing everything disappeared
Still, I kept playing until I finished the race.
After hours, everything came back, but all my boosters disappeared.
Of course I won't and won't file a complaint because I'm sure it won't be resolved.
And what disappears doesn't come back
I'm used to it.