This is more of a comment, but I will no longer play Alpha Betty. I am stuck on level 159. I have
become very frustrated, and even spent $10.00 to buy gold for extra moves. This did not help at all. I do not see any rewards in the game, and just become upset. Thank you very much.
Alpha Betty Saga
I have not played Alpha Betty Saga in a long time because of the errors that kept happening. So I tried to play one game and I ran out of moves. I purchased 34 gold bars and when I try to get extra moves, the game wants me to buy more gold bars and that is just plain crap!
Any tips on how to pass Alphabetty Saga level 291???
I have been on this level forever and haven't come close to beating it. Any tips ?
Level 336 often does not give crowns for four letter words,
Level 336 often does not give crowns for four letter words, making collecting 6 and 7 letter words impossible. Buggy Much?
What is wrong with this game
First I started having problems with getting the free gold after watching the videos(you said you were working on getting that fixed. Big joke there) now the tiles will shuffle all by themselves even when its not necessary. I will have an awesome word and it will shuffle all by itself. I'm about to quit this game!
What happens to 10 of my lives in AlphaBetty?
why does AlphaBetty jump from 14 lives to 4, not giving me the correct number of spins during the game?
can you help,i;ve been stuck on level 380 for months now,when will it be updated,Thanks
can you help,i;ve been stuck on level 380 for months now,when will it be updated,Thanks
I FINALLY got through level 156 and it froze on me after the balloon went by! have to do it again!
I finally got through level 156, and it froze on me. Now, I have to try to get through it all over again. It freezes all the time, about ready to quit playing it all together.
Why it is not possible to send a message to contact us?
The game ”freezes down” relativly often and it is then of course not possible to keep om playing. When I, in thrue frustration, pushed on differents icons and succeded pushing twice on the icon ”five extra push för 9 goldbars”, this was on the contrary working very well and it kosted me 18 goldbars but I was still not…
why am I not able to send you a message
I tried in Swedish to send you a complain under "Contact us" but it is not possible to send it because of "I am not a robot" This stop me every times and I don´t understand why!