AlphaBetty lvl 176. Cheese only dropping one space, regardless of how many blocks are cleared below
I am having an issue where the cheese does not drop as many spaces as are cleared below it (as it does in the video). This is happening after the vine blocks are cleared. I have tried using verticle line blasters as well and while it clears every tile in the column, the cheese only ever drops (when it does drop) one space.…
Level 176 on the facebook browser version has a bug in it that makes the level impossible to play. Whenever you get rid of tiles under the cheese, the cheese DOES NOT FALL. Instead, more alphabet tiles appear in place of the ones you just got rid of. The cheese will not fall more than one tile space. Sometimes the letters…
Alphabetty saga
i need to know why after level 380 i can't go to the next...... i see other levels but they are closed
Level 228
There is an reoccurring error in level 228. More letter appear as cheese blocks fall, sometimes pushing the cheese up even further. Please fix this.
When will levels 366 and above be available for Alphabettys Saga?
I have been waiting over a month now. Please advise when this game is projected to be upgraded. Thank you.
I ask for lives from alphabetty friends but the envelope (mail icon) always shows as empty.
I ask for lives from alphabetty friends but the envelope (mail icon) always shows as empty. mail icon NEVER is lit. My friend are sending lives. using a laptop
How do I get free lives from alphabetty friends?
I ask for lives from alphabetty friends but the envelope (mail icon) always shows as empty. Does this have something to do with my connection? How do I read answers to other questions asked by other players?
Hi, i wonder what the meaning is of the teacups, with the questionmarks inside them (3 each teacup). How do you get the questionmarks filled in, and what happens then?
Game won't load.
Attempting to play Alphabetty Saga on Facebook via Internet Explorer 11, and the game will not load. Have had this problem for the last 2 days.
Why can't I watch videos to receive gold bars?
After the last update not September, I can no longer watch videos for gold bars on Alphabetty. There is no other way to receive gold bars that I have found either. I contacted customer care and filed a claim. They said they were working on it. I received an email the other day stating it has been fixed, but it hasn't. I…