Game will not load for about a week now. I click on the app and it looks like it is loading, but on
only get a blue screen with a link below to my achievements. I've tried all of your suggestions, delete cookies/cache, updating flash and google chrome and restarting computer, but to no avail. Help! All of my other games work fine.
Alpha Betty Saga level 38 is stuck after the word "ALL" with crowns on the L's appears. Help?
I've clicked on each letter in "ALL" and other places on the page, but can't get the mouse to disappear in order to play the level.
My game on Facebook quit working.
I got to level 20 when the letter selection function quit working. I select a letter and it shows in the box for about 1 sec - it does not highlight. So, I cannot form words. Got any suggestions?
AlphaBetty stuck at 90% loading since about 1pm CDT 1/25/2016 for MANY PEOPLE on Facebook
Many people can't get ABS to load on Facebook since about 1pm CDT or so today (1/25/2016).We know it is a lot of people due to sharing the issue in the in game chat window.Have restarted all browsers and Flash completely but still stuck.
Why does game take forever to load? Game freezes frequently while in play and becomes frustrating..
Game takes forever to load then freezes while playing, why? I have refreshed the browser and still have problems.
Need answer on Alphabetty lockout issue!!!
Why is there absolutely NO RESPONSE from King.com concerning the lockout issues after everyone passes Level 320?? I still had gold bars (that were purchased mind you)!! I feel that the lack of response is rather disrespectful. I would have liked to continue in the "secret level" and redo levels that I had already done.…
Why won't alphabetty load
Alphabetty won't load. i've done all the suggestions and it still won't load. All other games load fine. When I try and load, it comes up but then just a blue screen.
Help, game not loading.
Alpha Betty Sage has not loaded in two days. What is the problem. Please answer me. Thank you.
I played alphabetty saga both on android and on pc(win 7 IE11)
On the android Platform, my profil picture and the ones from my Facebook friends are shown. On the pc they are not. The name appears but not the picture. However both apps are in sync(same level......). Do you have an explanation? Parameters?(Facebook or your apps?). I played also Words on Wonder on both Platform and it's…
problème de chargement de alpha betty sur FB
lorsque je me connecte sur alpha betty via facebook, le jeu charge jusqu'à 90% puis s'arrête pour au final ne pas charger. Cela dure depuis environ une semaine . merci de répondre à ma question. bonne soirée à tous.