Caricamento Livelli oltre il 275....
Mi sono accorta che sul mio cellulare LG G3 il livelli si fermano a 275. Mentre se gioco su facebook ripartono dal 276. quale problema c'e'? Grazie
How do I get Alpabetty to load on Firefox?
All King games load except for Alphabetty. Says I need to update Adobe Flash, which I have. Loads on Chrome but I don't use Chrome..
line blasters
Every time I get a 5 letter word, I do not get anything. Should I be doing something in order to receive a line blaster or ... ?
Why won't it accept real words?
I have reached level 50 and decided to replay earlier levels to up my scores. On level 2 I tried to play the word intelligent, however alphabetty refuses to accept this as a word. For an "intelligent" game it seems a tad ridiculous to not accept real known words. Has anyone else had this issue? Is there a letter limit I'm…
Alpha Betty New Levels?
When will you be releasing levels past 325 on Facebook? Also when will you get these higher levels on the mobile versions?
Livelli Alpha Betty
Sono arrivata 2 mesi fa con il mio LG G3, al livello 275,e non ne carica più. Il gioco finisce qui'? Grazie.
Still can't get my avatar to proceed to the next level.
I click on AlpaBetty saga and it goes to the 'loading' screen but never loads. From the same computer, my wife's avatar loads and the game plays just fine. I have tried from several computers and devices - my avatar simply will not load. this has been going on for 3 months with no help from King customer care. I was…
Alpha Betty crashes
When I play on my iPad the game crashes! No matter what level I'm on! I'm so frustrated with the game. I've restarted my iPad and it's updated.
Alpha Betty Saga Help Me!
I am on Level 101 of Alphabetty. I have gotten to the end of the game with at least 4 moves left but can't win because my 4-5 letter words aren't being accepted. Are there printed rules for each game so that I know why I'm not moving on with the games?
no mail on Alpha betty
I can't get mail on alpha betty. On Android device. So I can't move up level or get extra lives.