Why do you claim solved when problem persists?
You claim problem was solved, yet the game still will not load. You advised going to technical group for assistance 4 days ago with no responses. For four weeks I have been unable to play as the game will not load for my avatar from any computer using any operating system that I used to play on. But, my wife's avatar loads…
Game won't load when logged in :(((((((( WHY????
Alphabetty is not loading when im logged in, but loads fine when i try to play logged out. Play on king.com. Latest flash player, cleared data, cache, cookies etc. Even tried on other PC exactly the same results. Please help thanks!
Alphabetty level 160
Crashes upon 2nd shuffle which happens most times as the area to make words is small compared to some other levels. I can only ever manage to play 1 game out of my 5 lives which is now putting me off the game.
I have played level 129 twice why does it not move on to level 130? Can anyone help please??
Is the program known to be faulty? I cannot find out anything at all surely someone else has been stuck like me!!
Bonjour . Je joue à Alpha Betty sur Facebook via mon P.C mais aussi sur mon smartphone ainsi que ma tablette . Depuis plus d'une semaine ,vu que j'ai avancé dans les niveaux , rien ne veut ce mettre à jour sur tablette et portable . De plus j'ai remarqué que notre photo et pseudo de joueur ne s'affichait plus sur le jeu…
On AlphaBetty Saga
I can't get to game. I can send and receive gifts. Have cleared cache & cookies, still not able to get to the game board.
Next Level Access
Why can't you just access another level without a time frame given? Very frustrating. Have no one to ask for approval. How can you advance without waiting?
Accessing Level 81 - Access
How can I access this level without waiting 'X' number of days or requesting 'friends' help...frustrating... just want to continue to play
Game won't load
I am using Facebook to play AlphaBetty and my browser is Firefox. The game suddenly won't load any more and says I need Flash Player. I've reloaded Flash and cleared the cache and cookies. Have also re-booted but it still won't load. Any suggestions?
Alpha Betty Level 46
For weeks I have been trying to get beyond level 46, but how do you pop the bubbles on the sides??? I'm so frustrated!!