Game will not progress beyond level 50
This is the second time of playing Alphabetty. No problem before but now sticks at level 50 which I have completed 3 times.
can anybody tell me what is the situation with level 167 on alphabetty....is everybody still waiting
the top four cheese is just not falling down at all.the bottom three are falling no problem....i have kept trying every day but to no avail.....is it been fixed thank you ?
Level 198
This is another level that is almost unplayable: most lives are lost when the letters have to be shuffled repeatedly only to find that there are no words possible. Please consider changing this so that we don't lose a life if the board is unplayable (no words can be made). It doesn't seem fair to lose lives without being…
Why is graphics glitch still unfixed?
Some time ago, there was a graphics error on candy crush, on android. You fixed this, but even though myself and others have reported the same glitch on alphabetty, it remains unfixed! It is IMPOSSIBLE to play, as the letters are obscured by large blank squares. When will this problem be addressed?
my alpha betty saga game is pixiled and can't read the letters .
my alpha betty saga game is pixiled and i can't read the letters . please help .
When will you fix the Level 290 and the torch level glitches?
Balloon stuck on Level 289 and will not advance. Also, secret level cannot be accessed because all torches are lit. Casual searching shows that I am not alone with these two problems, and that they seem to be experienced in tandem by at least some other users. Thoughts?
AlphaBetty Saga Level 167 - Broken!
This level has a bug and is un-winnable. Players are supposed to release 7 cheese chunks. The 3 on the bottom section are easy enough to get, but nothing will make the 4 on the top drop down. Please fix this issue. I see from other comments that I'm not the first to bring it up.
Level 50 to 51
How do I progress from level 50 to 51 on an android tablet? Level 50 is complete and showing as such but cannot progress.
Can't complete lvl 167.
Upper cheese won't drop in Dutch game. In other languages it's a different game. For example in French there are more blocks in the upper part.
Can't receive tickets for tea time ?
I requested my friends for tickets. They sent me the tickets. The notification appears in facebook but there is no tickets in my alphabetty envelope. What is the solution for this ?