Level 222 AlphaBetty Saga
bottom left hand corner is not allowing you to beat it what is the problem, how much more will my wallet have to shrink to play an honest game. Unhappy camper
Alpha Betty level 92
I am playing Alpha Betty Saga, and am on level 92. In this level you have to find words with so many characters. When I get to the point where there are 16 moves left, and find another word, it automatically goes to 11 moves left, making it impossible to pass that level, as there are more than 11 words left to find. I have…
Where are the simple rules for playing Alphabetty? How do I "untangle" letters? Should a "blue" le
Should a blue letter be used at the beginning of a word, or at the end? I don't understand why there aren't rules!
How to unpause game
Hi when i try to start my alphabetty game and when the windows for giving lives and inviting friends have been clicked away the background on the game turns blue and a i see a mikrosec sign saying the game has been paused. From that point i can not enter the game. I have tried doing all stuff according to the tutorial…
Level 200 alpha Betty, break a mouse trap just for it to keep reappearing... Glitch?
Level 200 alpha Betty, the crowns break a mouse trap just for it to keep reappearing... Glitch?
How does the Arrow line blast booster on Alphabetty saga work?
When I select it, I see I can put it on a letter and the arrows change depending on where I put it. But it just keeps moving around when I try to create a word. This is obviously not how it workd. But I can't get rid of it and since all the other letters are now stuck, I can't go on with the game. What to do? And where is…
AlphaBettySaga level 45
I can't get past level 45. Is there a trick to popping the bubbles along the sides where you can't spell words?
how do i pass level 167 on alphabetty saga? The upper cheeses don't drop out.
The cheeses in the upper box just go to the bottom of the box and do not drop out. Does anyone answer any of the questions here???
On level 89 I lose 4-5 turns on one play. Why?
Alpha Betty Saga On level 89 when I'm down to about 16 turns left and make a word it will bump down to 11 turns left! Other times 17 down to 15!! Glitch?? or what??
Q-1 Hello, I am having trouble connecting back to alpha betty level 58. I am getting a blue screen after downloading. Thank you! Q-2 I play Candy Crush on both my computer and cell phone level 462. but on cell phone it is showing that I am on level 125 how can I connect photo to 462. Thank you.