Alpha Betty saga. How do I use gold bars to get past a roadblock.
How do I use gold bars to get past a roadblock. i can't find where use them just purchase them.
I believe there is a bug at level 101 mobile version. I have made multiple attempts without success when I realized that when I have 15 moves left the next move drops me to 10. I thought I must be hitting some demon bubble or something I didn't know about but it happens every time when I get to 15 moves left. I am…
level 191 Ridiculous!!!! What is going on?
The game auto shuffles 1 to 2 times, says no valid words (even when I can see valid words on the board) and then ends the turn and I lose a life!!! So frustrating. Please tell me this is being fixed!
Library problems and can't get past level 215!
LOVING THIS GAME!!!! (However, a couple of problems have popped up . . . . . .) First, when I go into the library, I cannot find any explanations for any of the character icons anywhere. Have tried touching the screen everyplace possible with no luck. Also, I cannot choose any of the character icons to use for any of the…
Losing lives on shuffle.
Getting tired of losing lives because the game can't find words. It shuts down when this happens and if one has selected to play again, that life is also lost. Not enough vowels are there to build a word and add stones that take to many hits to break while having to get to a poison bubble. Annoying.
I finished level 155 on Alpha Betty but it won't advance. Please help
I finished level 155 on Alpha Betty but it won't advance. I need your help please
Lvl 65: Game Won't Pass this lvl
I've completed level 65 numerous times but the game won't take me to level 66. Anyone know why?
Level 191 why it doesn't get fixed???
Seen that some people have the same error on level 191 and wondering when this level finally get fixed? Still get thrown out of the game and it shuffles the letters even words can be made up!! Only getting automatic email response when sending you an email about this issue. Any one here have gone through level 191 pls?…
What are the rules for level 78 for AlphaBetty Saga?
What are the rules for level 78? I have been stuck on this level for a long time. Why do some of my moves take away more than one move? Blocks don't always fall when I create a word. Should I be trying to use as many times letters as possible? What are the colored letters all about? Can't find rules anywhere for this…
Alphabetty Saga technical errors not being fixed.
Here is a list of the errors I'm experiencing. I have screenshots of the errors below but they won't post to this forum. Device – Apple IPad 2 – updated to latest IOS and Alphabetty software Level 191 - Since the last update the game continues to freeze mid game and then it will restart, doing this several times in a row…