why isn't there a place where I can submit game errors so they can be fixed?
There are many errors in the Alphabetty game that need to be fixed and I don't have a way to send them to anyone at King to get them fixed.
I have started noticing glitches with AlphaBetty since the latest update. I am on level 191
and sometimes the board reshuffles even when I see a word I could have played or the game suggests a word but doesn't accept it or it just crashes after reshuffling resulting in a lost life and I have to restart. I have tried reinstalling the game and it is still doing the same thing. There are other issues I've noticed as…
Progression issues
So, I've played level 50 about 15 times now, having completed the level, each with three stars, and it still won't let me progress to the next level. What's up? How do I move forward?
I'm not enjoying level 191 of Alphabetty
I really love Alphabetty but having reached 191 and being unable to get past it after 30 plus attempts I've lost all enthusiasm. It simply isn't a challenge. Half the time it fails itself because it is unable to create even a three letter word. When it does work you spend over half the goes searching for the one three…
Level 191 Out of valid words
I am currently on level 191. I am finding it very frustrating that after I have taken my 1st go, the game auto shuffles (sometimes twice) and then ends as it says it cannot find any valid words. This ends my go, loses a life and also crashes the game. It is impossible now to progress. Please fix this issue, or help me…
Level 191 has bugs on Alphabetty Saga
Level 191 sometimes shuffles and then goes to the Retry screen before I even have a chance to make any moves. Then the game quits on its own. Within that level, it shuffles sometimes when there are obvious word possibilities.
Is level 155 the last level in Alpha Betty Saga?
Done with level 155 and there's nowhere to go. Is this problem with not advancing or is it the end of the "Saga"?
I have completed level 155 in Alpha Betty and my game won't move beyond. How do I get it to do that?
I have completed level 155 in Alpha Betty and the game is not automatically moving me up to the next level. It appears to be stuck. I can replay level 155, if I wish, but the game will not move on. What do I need to do?
Please help me friends I'm stuck at level 9 for weeks!! I can't complete because I can't bring down the last cheese chunk. Please help!! This is my first question. :)
alphabetty level up not working
Can you please tell me if progress on the levels show up on all devices that the game is played on? For Example: I play Alphbetty on my mobile phone, kindle and facebook. I finally beat level 134 today using my kindle but it doesn't register it on facebook or on my mobile phone. Do I need to beat level 134 on all devices…