How do I get my game reset?
I have finished all the levels and would like to have my game reset back to level 500. I have tried to ask King support directly but they just send me generic FAQs instead of corresponding with me directly. Thanks!
لماذا توقفت لعبة كاندى كراش صودا ساجا عند المستوى ٢٤١٠ولا استطيع فتح المرحله اللى بعدها؟
Level 759
Anyone else having problems with this impossible 😔 level trying to get THREE 9 LETTER WORDS!!??
What does t mean find all the required words
I do not understand the 5x1 9x1 does it mean I need that many tiles or that it adds up to that?
Alpha betty level 335 Still removing 2 moves for 1 -- reported 4 months ago
Level 335 you start with 13 moves but during play, it will remove 2 moves for 1 moves reducing total number of lives to 4-5. This was reported 4 months ago by another user but it still isn't fixed in most current update
Time to celebrate our first Community Anniversary with Gold Bars and exclusive badges!
The day is finally here! Happy birthday to... us, the Community! Together we’ve welcomed Superstars and Game Experts, we’ve given feedback to our King Game Studios, we’ve got to know Kingsters and, even more importantly, we’ve got to know - and love - each other! So let’s put the party mode on! Win Gold Bars and and…
Replying to you reply is impossible
I have a Facebook account which I logged out of and went back to game 1. I have a King account which is at the correct level but lost my friends and I compete daily with my sister who does not show up now. Cant someone help mw combine these twonaccounts please
Why does my Alpha Betty game screen look like this??
This is level 672 (4 Cheese Plates) And, Here is what I see when trying to play-
How can I go back to improve artifact levels?
I have been playing the game because it's fun, without completely understanding how the artifacts work. I'm now on level 490 and I'd like to go back to much earlier levels so I can level up the artifacts. But it looks like I can only scroll back to level 456. Is there a way to do this without removing my overall progress…
Level 799
Anyone have a strategy or tips to beat level 799?