Level 420 AB
HAve 19 moves to get all the words but cannot get any words unless I loose one move then there is a tile in the centre which takes two moves if you don't get rid of it. Which I find impossible to move. Therefore you don't have enough moves left to get all the words required. Help!!!!
Help with level 204
My version of AB level 204 Find 3 mystery words in 12 moves. Impossible. Need suggestions.
level 447. Letters dissapears.
At level 447 making hidden word, the letters I recoverd gets ”blank” the letter dissapears. Id it ment to be so?
Passed level 680 twice. Will not advance me forward. Downloaded updates on 4/5 saying new levels in
Passed level 680 twice. Will not advance me forward. Downloaded updates on 4/5 saying new levels included
Level 670
I achieved the 670 level. Is any one further ? Should I just wait for new levels to come? Philipp
How to pass level 159 on Alpha beatty saga.
What is the strategy required to bust open the blue stones and expose a letter. I will get to 32 of 39 with 20 turns left but cannot beat the level. I keep creating 4+ letter words and keep getting more crowns but the crowns rarely break a stone. So frustrating!
How can I get pass level 81
How do I get pass level 81 as I have been trying for many months
wrote you before regarding my Candy Crush freezing and stopping on me while I'm playing.
the freezing stopped for a few games, and it's happenning again. on the 350s levels, but happened earlier.
What are the rules for the "Find the Letters" games?
Do crowns or line blasters get me anything in the levels called "find the letters"? I'm on level 403. I've had a few other levels like this and more often than not the letters I need aren't even on the Board. I wondered if crowns or line blasters can help. So far they don't seem to.
Alpha Betty Saga Level 672
Level 672 is not winnable. Have played 100 times and have not collected one single cheese plate. Not even once. Often shuffles to death, or goes to 0 moves from 12 when the blue tiles pop. Dropped the ball on this one guys.