Cute Candyversary Party Game
Hi there, Today I received the Candyversary Party game. Really cute and I got to use my new Olivia the witch costume which made it even more fun. Nice to have some games to play whilst waiting for the next levels to appear. Thanks to the developers who keep coming up with such great ideas. I love the game. Who else has…
Candy Friends game loading then closing abruptly
Hi everyone, Is anyone else having this problem? The game loads, then before I can actually play a level, it just closes. This is on my iPad, and oddly when it closes it also stops me recording a screen video of the problem. (Video screen recording works on everything else just fine). So I've recorded the problem on my…
How nice to have Dexter back
After a few weeks without Dexter, may I say how happy I am to see him/her back.
Weekly race vs Fantastic 5 players
In recent times, I've noticed that when I get to join a weekly 'race' (usually on a Thursday) the leading players have already passed over 200 levels. Well done them! But since I have a maximum of 45 levels per week, it's a bit of a 'no contest' for me. Not to worry. However, I never seem to run into these high level…
Instagram advert continues to not complete and thus denies a bonus
After weeks of the TikTok advert not running properly and thus stopping bonuses being delivered the problem seemed to be fixed because the TikTok advert stopped running. Then it started with the Instagram advert. Then the Instagram advert stopped being run and all was well again. Now after a week of normalcy the Instagram…
What level allows a link to be added to a post?
I was asked to post a link to a video showing an issue I was having, but just got this message : 'You have to be around for a little while longer before you can post links.' I tried added it via 'add media' and also pasting the link it. Same response. Could anyone tell me what level I need to be at before I am allowed to…
Bonuses not loading after video advert plays
Hi there everyone. On June 26 I started having problems on Candy Friends getting any bonus after playing a video. It was always Tic Tok that seemed to get stuck. I have had lots of chats with @PummyRaj and sent a video screen shot of the problem. It went away for a day then came back. Today it's back again and this time…
Tik tok advert not allowing bonuses to load
Hi there Is anyone else having the problem that when the Tik tok advert runs to get a bonus of e.g.extra moves or a starter bonus that it just doesn't run completely and instead of a bonus I get an error message. All other adverts run ok and the bonuses arrive, but Tik Tok seems to be the 'advert du jour' at the moment!!
Quests have not been loading for some weeks.
Quests have not been loading for some weeks. Any suggestions