What's past level 920?
Never mind.... think I am good 2 go. Thnx
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Can you reset my game please.
ID # 100538716 on facebook
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Hi @lovesongangel !
The Game ID is one or two digits short. Could you please check the correct number?
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Update....... problem remains. I am now on level 92 and still playing solo w/o any game ranking rosters. Any new ideas?
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Could you please reset my game.
FB ID# 1005387316
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Hi @lovesongangel ! I have reset your game now.
Please clear the cache and cookies on your browser before you open the game the next time to make sure it restarts from level 1.
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My game ID is 5319347847 - please can you reset me to game No. 1 as I completed 920 and heartbroken that there are no new ones. Grateful that I can at least start again. Thank you!
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Hi @NibsAlpha and welcome to our Community!
I have reset your game now to level1.
Please clear the cache and cookies on your browser before you open the game the next time on Facebook to make sure it restarts from level 1. Om mobile, please reinstall the app.
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