Game reset
I have asked tech support and I have asked on the app to have my account reset back to level 1 and after weeks have gotten no response. I have completed all 920 levels, what do I need to do to get this fixed so that I can continue playing as I love this game. My acct is 9783988945
Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
Thank you for your feedback! You should wait for @Crazy Cat Lad will answer and help you on tomorrow. 😉
Or you can also ask on that thread that Community Team will also help you to reset to Level 1 on this game :
By the way, thanks for your love playing Alphabetty Saga. 😊
If you want to win gold bars on this game, you can click here to join and answer on this game's contests that you can chance to win gold bars. 😊
Have a nice and safety day! 😊
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Hi @solstice, welcome to the Community!
- I'm glad you enjoy Alphabetty Saga so much, it is a great Game indeed! 🙌
ℹ️ Generally, you can restart your Game from Level 1 by:
- Creating a new Account through either:
- Getting your Levels on your current Account reset ---> Contact Customer Support from your Game & they will do this for you.
🔹 Also, I'll tag our CM @Crazy Cat Lad who I believe can reset your Game manually & the ABS Game Expert @abe_coffee as they will surely help you get this done in no time come office hours on Monday.
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