My alpha betty won't load

Joby Posts: 2

Level 1

I loaded it on my phone when I logged in using king I had lost almost 500 levels. Don't want to risk losing all that on my tablet

Best Answer

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 11,816
    Answer ✓

    廾𝗂 @Joby, welcome to the Community!

    ℹ️ Alphabetty Saga is no longer available on as the Flash Player version of the Game has been taken down.

    ℹ️ AlphaBetty Saga will no longer be available on Facebook after December 15th, 2020

    • Go HERE for info on how to move your Game from Facebook to a mobile device & continue playing there.

    🔻 There are options for you to keep your Game progress & continue playing the Game. 🔻

    1. On a mobile device ---> Download the App from your device's App Store. When opening the Game connect it to your account on the Start Menu by tapping the blue 'Connect' button followed by 'Log in with email'. Finally, enter your email & password, log in and all your Levels and Gold Bars will be synced to the Game on your mobile device. The game is available on both iOS (iPhone & iPad), Android devices & Amazon Kindle tablets.
    2. On a computer ---> Continue the Game on Facebook by syncing your account with your Facebook. Open the Game on your Facebook Account HERE so it gets activated on your Facebook first. Then log in to your account on Go to Settings, Account, type your password once more. Click on 'Synchronizing/ Connect to Facebook', click on the two arrows & log in to your Facebook in the new window that pops up. All your Games will then be synced between & Facebook.

    • More info on this ---> HERE


  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,723

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Oh No! Have you lost your current level on Alphabetty Saga? 😢

    Don't worry! You can check to read and follow these troubleshooting steps of this problem. (This solve discussion by Community Team.) (Any Device) 😉

    So click here to read to follow these troubleshooting steps of this problem that I hope this helps and you can back to your current level on this game! 😉

    Need Gold Bars on this game? Join Here!

    Have a nice and safety day! 😊

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 11,816
    Answer ✓

    廾𝗂 @Joby, welcome to the Community!

    ℹ️ Alphabetty Saga is no longer available on as the Flash Player version of the Game has been taken down.

    ℹ️ AlphaBetty Saga will no longer be available on Facebook after December 15th, 2020

    • Go HERE for info on how to move your Game from Facebook to a mobile device & continue playing there.

    🔻 There are options for you to keep your Game progress & continue playing the Game. 🔻

    1. On a mobile device ---> Download the App from your device's App Store. When opening the Game connect it to your account on the Start Menu by tapping the blue 'Connect' button followed by 'Log in with email'. Finally, enter your email & password, log in and all your Levels and Gold Bars will be synced to the Game on your mobile device. The game is available on both iOS (iPhone & iPad), Android devices & Amazon Kindle tablets.
    2. On a computer ---> Continue the Game on Facebook by syncing your account with your Facebook. Open the Game on your Facebook Account HERE so it gets activated on your Facebook first. Then log in to your account on Go to Settings, Account, type your password once more. Click on 'Synchronizing/ Connect to Facebook', click on the two arrows & log in to your Facebook in the new window that pops up. All your Games will then be synced between & Facebook.

    • More info on this ---> HERE
  • Hi @Joby !

    Did you manage to get back all your levels?

    If not, please let me know your Game ID and what level you should be on so I can take a look at it.

    Please check this page how to find your Game ID. 

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