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doesn't load anymore on Facebook
Level 2
AlphaBetty saga doesn't load anymore on Facebook or Gameroom. Why is this happening?
it is a sad day ... King announced the demise of ABS for Dec 15 2020 ... some of us we got an extra day
facebook and king are no longer compatible on PCs
however ... you can still run ABS on mobile devices
maybe ... Santa could get you a phone or tablet for Christmas
2 -
Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
Yes! Like Abe coffee has answered you, you can continue playing to save your progress with mobile device. 😉
You can also check this information here (Official announcement regarding Alphabetty Saga Development on Facebook) that I hope you can understand to read it. 📖
By the way, thanks for your playing Alphabetty Saga! 😊
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Have a nice and safety day! 😊
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