COTR Community Team!
sorry to hear , that's kind of frustrating ๐
Good luck on next runs & wish you the best ๐
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I dunno if this will work, but here it goes:
edit: welp it worked, not a clickable link, but still a link. ๐๐ค
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Finally getting 10+ Minutes more consistently, so getting 300ish Trophies per Run is more common for me now ๐
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Ultra Instinct? More like:
This was probably just a smidgeon of your True Potential, can't wait to see you do an 1 hour run ๐โจ๐๐ป
I can't evem get to 15 Minutes ๐
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haha ๐ , you're doing excellent performance though ๐คฉ
Let's hope they fix this crash issue so I can stream a real 1 hour or more in survival run ๐ค
Have a wonderful day buddy ๐
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They should fix runs asap... :/
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What is jetpack? :)
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Don't you mean "Where is my awesome Jetpack?" ๐
Probably the thing that was Iconic in Crash 2.
My guess is we will get a few Vehicles in the Future... If you look closely at the Wumpa Island you can already see 2 Spots of interest.
First there is a Dock that will probably be for the "Jet Board" aka the cool thing Crash used to cross the Rivers in Crash 2, that also reappeared in Crash 4.
The second seems to be a Minekart at TLthe foot of the Volcano, so I guess we'll get to ride it similar to how it was in Wrath of Cortex.
My Final guess is these could be used to get "Silo Parts" to upgrade it further (as far as I can tell 1200 is the Max Capacity for the Time Being), but will require "Batteries" for us to "Ride" them.
Or they might be future seasonal challenges, we'll have to wait and see.
But I'll be looking forward to those either way.
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Any news about the team 2, or 1?
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