COTR Community Team!
My option was to wait for the update fix, but there's also an option to download other king apps and try creating a king account there and then log in here. I dunno... :/
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Anyways, looks like we got company.
2nd place team's not going down without a fight. ⚔
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Here's my highest record ever achieved in Bear It track so far... mostly I could only get about 20 to 80 + 2nd or 1st place reward in each run... Seriously, they should fix the 2 new tracks too :/ this is torture...
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My best Run on Bear It so far
Could have been better if the Revive would have been with adds, but Either I was already using to many on previous runs or there was a connection issue, so this was a clean revive free run.
Also, Fun Fact, the German Translation is Horrible for this stage. They probably tried to Translate it as Bear IT (IT as in short fir Information Technology), so they picked the Word "Dienst" for that, that would Transkate Back into "Service".
Pretty sure the pun with Bear It both beeing able to be used to refer to a Bear (Fitting because you Ride Polar in Bear it) and as a Way of Saying "Just get through it, even if it's hard!" was lost on whoever had to Translate the Stage Name.
I don't gez why they even do this, Crash 2 and 3 had German Translation, everyone spoke German and the Menu was Translated as well, but no Stage or Character Name was Translated (Obviously, you shouldn't Translate Names)...
How Come they started doing that? It's pretty bad if they try to translate names that also have puns... It rarely works...
One of the Reasons my Consoles are all set to English. Don't want to deal with badly translated Names.
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@GetHanked We'll probably need to replace 29th & 30th players in the team, most of our members are at 2k+ Trophies in just 1 day yet they're still below 1k... They havn't even joined the ingame chat nor the community discussions :/
Our current leaderboards is really up to the challenge and will likely try to overcome us by the future. Because of this we'll need all the active contributors we'd need.
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@Adrenaline yeah looks like good competition but they will have to work extra hard to beat us, I don’t really like playing bear it, atm because of the glitches but I’ll play one go and post my best score 😎
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@MiamiCrash3 yeah will try and get a second team up and running might be difficult at first and can let random people join and then filter out until you have a full squad of 30 forum members, I am looking for a second team leader to manage the team: team name would be COTR Community2
@Northbreeze yes that’s a good idea, if anyone is interested in joining COTR Community discord can find it
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@GetHanked OK cool, hopefully we can get another team running. Also two times today I died at 140 trophies in Bear It. The floor was gone both times in the same exact area.
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@GetHanked , @Adrenaline (or whoever) tag me when i can join into the main or the second team.
I will keep my steps until then, but keep in mind that domino and n.tropy trophies have time limit, so i will do them if i see i cannot join you in time.
Now i'm going back for the 120 gem. See ya.
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If two spots open up on the main team let me know. Me and a friend would be happy to join if anyone is inactive on the team.
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