COTR Community Team!
I haven’t had a chance to play any missions as of yet @Joey_YouTube but I’m looking forward to taking them on. And yes looks like some tough teams to compete against i see a guy who’s surpassed 20k trophies already, might of just used all his steps at once 🤪
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I got a weird experience battling N.Tropy's Gang 😅 Go check my post on the "Discussions" Forum.
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Is it me or both these new tracks are quite hard. The obstacles aren't balanced anymore, it's a mix of both Bear It+Turtle Woods or Dino Might+Turtle Woods. Honestly, I think they're all so hard right now ._. I can't even score above 100 anymore...
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Yeah these new Survival maps are the most difficult yet especially Dino Might. They really made it more of a challenge this time.
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I’m experiencing a lot of bugs on bear it atm: this how I died lol 😂 the black void took me
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Aw, I knew that chances were low, but I still hoped that our teams would have been on the same leaderboard.. maybe next time.
Well, I want to see you on the number one spot at the end of the season so keep it up you all 😄
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hello guys 😄
I will be streaming here (Edit by CM: against the House Rules)
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Live on YouTube , come & lets have fun 😍
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I'm in if you have place.
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